
The Evolution Of TV

  • 1884

    1884: first un-official model conceived, shamefuly, this model was never released because of its flaws
  • Period: to

    The Evolution Of TV

    a time line describing the most important dates of this subject
  • 1925

    first working model released publicly by scottish inventor John Logie Baird
  • 1930

    : first public emission was aired and distributed by the NBC AND CBS on the US , in england , the first enterprise to distribute and manage the first airing eas the BBC.
  • 1937

    regular transmissions of electronic TV start in France and the United Kingdom. This led to a rapid development of the television industry and a rapid increase of viewers although the televisions were small and very expensive screen. These emissions were made possible by the development of cathode ray tube and iconoscope
  • 1953

    In 1953 Eurovision is created that associates many countries in Europe connecting their TV systems using microwave links
  • 1960

    in 1960 , Mundovisión began to work on connections with geostationary satellites covering the whole world.
  • 1979

    in 1979 , almost all tv sets in north america (US, CANADA) had cable and technicolor tv
  • 1990

    Digital TV's roots have been tied very closely to the availability of inexpensive, high performance computers. It wasn't until the 1990s that digital TV became a real possibility
  • 1993

    the first pattent for inteligent TV was formed
  • 1997

    online tv services are being developed in the form of amazon time
  • 2000

    Stereoscopic 3D television was demonstrated for the first time on August 10, 1928, by John Logie Baird in his company's premises at 133 Long Acre, London. Baird pioneered a variety of 3D television systems using electro-mechanical and cathode-ray tube techniques. The first 3D TV was produced in 1935. Advent of digital television in 2000s greatly improved 3D TVs.
  • 2012

    online tv services boom and bankrupt other primitive servides like blockbuster
  • 2013

    netflix becomes the #1 online service.