
The fashion feminine 20th and 21st centuries

  • The Silhouette in S

    The Silhouette in S
    the Silhouette S, the corset that pushes the bust up, narrows the waist, and the skirt fits at the hips. The dress widens in a bell shape when it reaches the ground. Fashion was only followed by high class
  • The Silhouette male

    The Silhouette male
    The cut with male influence. Silhouette much straighter, without marking the waist. The unisex look is realized. The long skirt is removed
  • Goodbye corset

    Goodbye corset
    The corset is no longer used. the bra is born. The hair is worn very short. Chanel imposes unisex garments, whole dresses with fringes and small bags. The garments shorten above the ankle.
  • practical clothing

    practical clothing
    Clothing starts to be much more practical. The silhouette changes again, the waist returns to its anatomical position, and the shoulders are widened. The jacket suit for the street is popularized.
  • Decade of war

    Decade of war
    It is the decade of war and that is seen in fashion: fabrics become poor, girls wear suits of jackets with minimal fabric. The length rises below the knee. The look is militarized, the hats are tiny and very simple
  • The splendor returns.

    The splendor returns.
    The silhouette is forced again with a very small waist, the "woman abyss". The women were weary of the masculine style and they return to the curves. The cult for beauty begins. The shoes are stylized and are more pointed, cloth coats, elbow bags and the most elegant hats
  • Decade of great revolution

    Decade of great revolution
    the cult of youth begins and all bourgeois luxury is left behind. It becomes fashionable the extravagant clothes, free sexuality, rock and roll and unisex fashion. At the same time, the musical culture sets trends with colorful prints, the flowers power. The silhouette becomes smoother and the miniskirt is born
  • Varied styles

    Varied styles
    The culture of music and drugs creates the psychedelic look, the disco fashion, the platforms, the bell trousers, the manes. Also the punk and in the most risky in militarized look. The silhouette returns to macar the foma of body like never, although only in the young people.
  • Everything in a big way

    Everything in a big way
    voluminous hairstyles, ornate makeup, big jewelry, big hats, straight skirts and high heels. Michael Jackson caused a furore with leather jackets. Madonna created devotion for crucifixes and rubber bracelets. The jeans began to become common
  • Careless style

    Careless style
    Fashion cotinúa dominated by the grunge style. The overall appearance was sloppy, second-hand clothes were used: roller jeans, lumberjack check shirts, converse sneakers. The hair is worn disheveled dyed with strange colors
  • bourgeois elegance

    bourgeois elegance
    Glamor and bright colors come back. Die Minimalism reborn feminine forms, tight, fur or fabrics with prints of snakes, crocodile or lizard. The characteristic of this time are the tight pants
  • the decade of the forms

    the decade of the forms
    Dresses of all types of length, although there is a preference for shorts. The fabrics that are used are silk, gauze, floral, Scottish, animal prints. Very varied colors. fly the curves, that lets glimpse his bust. A tribute to the volume, the forms and the feminine sensuality
  • present

    The 21st century is facing a problem: all fashion is already invented. The resolution then is to modernize the fashions of the previous centuries with modern materials and always within a practicality. The jeans and miniskirts are kept and the long skirts and the wide pants are returned. The height of the pants varies enormously every two years and garments from other cultures are introduced