The Start of Sliced Bread
In 1912 a jeweler name Otto Rohwedder was fed up with having to slice his own bread and each time having it be crooked. -
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The first Prototype
This was the span of time between his Rohwedder's first thought of a bread slicing maching and the first prototype he created. -
The Fire that Killed the First Prototype
In 1917 the first prototype for the bread slicing machine was made unfortunately when he finished something in his workshop caught fire and burned the whole place to the ground. -
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Time spent making a new Prototype
Rohwedder spent this time making his new Prototype for the bread slicer after the first one burned with his workshop. -
Bakers are Sceptical
Though Rohwedders idea in our age was genius, bakers of that age didn't think so. -
The Bread Train Starts Rolling
In 1928 Rohwedder finally finished the next bread slicer. This time though to keep the bread fresh when it was sliced the maching would wrap the freshly cut bread with wax paper. -
Sliced Kleen Maid Bread
This was finally the day that Rohwedder's product finally went on sale for all his hard work. The finished product was called Sliced Kleen Maid Bread. -
Wonder Bread Takes the Show
Wonder bread popularizes sliced bread by making bread specifically for slicing.