
The evolution of neonatal nurses

  • The evolution of neonatal nurses

    The evolution of neonatal nurses
    The first Neonatal intensive care units did not even appear in American hospitals until 1922; however, special care methods for infants began to be developed in the late nineteenth century
  • Fun Facts About Neonatal Nursing

    1/ The term "Neonatal" refers to the first month of an infant's life, but Neonatal Nurses treat sick newborns until they are discharged from the hospital, even if that takes several months.2/ Most Neonatal Nurses work in a typical hospital environment -- usually in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or maternity ward.
  • what are some of the machines do they use in the NICU

    Heart or cardio respiratory monitor Blood pressure monitor temperature Transcutaneous oxygen/ carbon dioxide monitor Ultrasound X-ray computed tomor