-This is when Alibata or Baybayin was discovered,whose form was similar to image-based types of characters of our Asian neighbors.
-A broadcast system of information dissemination in ancient times could be traced to the existence of "Umalokohan"or the town criers. -
The Print Industry & Filipino Freedom
-Books, Magazines and newspapers were brought to the Philippines by the Ancient colonizers. -
The European Film Import
The Lumiere brothers cinematographe film cinema and projector invention by Carlo Naquera. -
The Broadcast Industry
The telegraphs and Telephone system was introduced to the country. Then radios was also used by Japanese for their propaganda purposes. Television also came to the picture and was also spread in the Philippines. -
The European Film Import
ABS-CBN started their company and it continues to exist up until now. -
Local Media Online
The Philippines officially connected to the world of Internet. -
Local Online Media
In 2011, the Philippines was named as the "Social Media Capital of the World". almost 93.9% of the population were already using Internet.