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The Evolution of Media Arts

  • First Digital Calculator "Created"

    First Digital Calculator "Created"
    Analytical Machine is started to be created by Charles Babbage. This machine could calculate numbers by using hole punched cards to calculate math. However, his unfortunately died before complete ling his work. This was the first building block for computing, making precise calculations in quick speeds.
  • Period: to

    Radio is developed and improved

    During this time, many inventors create, and update Radio technology. Range and power were increased substantially over this time period. Some inventors who contributed to radio was Nicola Tesla, Alexander Stepanovich Popov, and Heinrich Hertz. This was important to the media arts because it created a new medium and created a way to send messages across long distances, instantly.
  • First Films are created

    First Films are created
    Auguste and Louis Lumiere invent the cinematograph and the animated camera, introducing the art of moving pictures to the world. This is important, as after this break-through, stories could be shared visually across the world, not just in books or novels.
  • First Mechanical Television Prototype

    First Mechanical Television Prototype
    The first prototype for the electric television is unveiled by Philo Taylor Farnsworth in Beaver, Utah. The first image it displayed was a dollar symbol, inspirited by a question one of his investors asked him: "When are we going to see some dollar signs on this, Philo?"
  • First Radio Broadcast

    First Radio Broadcast
    Reginald Fessenden send out the first radio broadcast in the world, It played a speech by Fessenden, some music and a short reading of the bible. This first broadcast showed what was possible with radio and what it could accomplish and become.
  • First Programmable Computer

    First Programmable Computer
    German engineer Konrad Zuse (1910 – 1995) builds a computer using 35mm film tape to control inputs. This was the foundation for the common PC.
  • First Coloured TV Sold

    First Coloured TV Sold
    The first colored TV is sold. and not soon after, the first colored television broadcast is sent out. This technology can display pictures and videos in color, dramatically increasing the potential in films, documentaries and stories.
  • The First Personal Computer Created and Sold

    The First Personal Computer Created and Sold
    The IBM 610 was revealed by John Lentz at the Watson Lab at Columbia University. Although not very fast, the IBM 610 handled floating-point arithmetic naturally. However, the price of 55,000 was too much for anyone to buy, so not many were produced.
  • First Digital Camera

    First Digital Camera
    Steven Sasson invented the first digital camera in 1975. This was the first camera that didn't store images on film. This technology is now used in cameras world wide, allowing us to instantly see and process our images.
  • Apple II Released

    Apple II Released
    The Apple II was an 8-bit home computer. It was one of the world's first highly successful mass-produced "microcomputer". This was important as It was one of the first few computers that were affordable for middle class people to buy, and it was a foretelling of how important computers were going to become.
  • First Windows Computer Sold

    First Windows Computer Sold
    The First windows computer was sold, run MDOS. (Microsoft Disk Operating System.) This was the first version of what would one day become one of the largest Personal Computer Company / Operating System.
  • Internet Explodes

    Internet Explodes
    The Internet explodes into a popular medium for distributing and sharing content. This gives way to new mediums and ways to share them -- video games, websites, online art, videos,
  • MySpace is created

    MySpace is created
    MySpace, the predecessor to Facebook is created by Tom Anderson, Jon Hart and Chris DeWolfe. it was a place to share pictures and text with friends online. It grew to be so large that the platform hit 100 million accounts on August 9th, 2006.
  • First iPhone Sold

    First iPhone Sold
    the first generation iPhone is sold by Apple. This becomes one of the first all purpose smart phones. This increased usage of the internet and revolutionized social media.
  • IPhone X Sold

    IPhone X Sold
    10 years after the original iPhone was sold, the iPhone X and X+ were released. These were thousands of times more efficient in their hardware, camera/mic quality and screen resolution.