The Traffic Signal
The original traffic signal had three different positions. When the traffic signal first came out, they were selling them for $40,000. Something interesting is that traffic signals did not have a yellow light when they came out. -
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Media Arts
Scotch Tape
Scotch tape was the world's first transparent tape. They mainly made it so that meatpackers had a way to seal food up. The tape also fixed simple problems with household items. -
The first electric TV was made in 1927. Before that, there were only mechanical TV’s. The first TV was smaller than a postage stamp. -
Car Radios
In 1930, a bunch of people worked together to make car radios. They ended up becoming super successful and sold them to companies like Ford. Chevrolet was the first car company to have a radio in their vehicle though. -
When the Jeep was being built, it took them only 18 hours to design the Jeep, and the military loved the Jeep. Jeeps were mainly built for the military. -
The Colour Television
In the early 1940’s they came out with the first TV that transmitted an image into colours. They began broadcasting coloured tv's on December 17, 1953. -
Barcodes were invented to identify railroad cars. It was not until the 1960’s that the technology caught on to use the barcode for more things. Barcodes are used for tons of things today. -
The Credit Card
American Express was the company that really got the credit card started. The Diner's Club had their own idea of the credit card in the united states just for their restaurant, so that you didn't have to bring cash. -
The First Computer Mouse
The first computer mouse was made from wood. The first ever mouse was also really simple, it was just a box and two wheels at the bottom of the mouse and only one key. -
Ray Tomlinson is the person who created emails in the 1970’s. Email was first called Mailbox. -
The First Video Game Console
In 1968, there was a working prototype of a video game console. The first ever video game console was The Odyssey. On The Odyssey, you can play Ping Pong, Skiing, Hockey, Cat & Mouse, etc. -
Pong is a video game where there are two walls. You control one, your opponent controls the other. The point is to hit the ball that comes towards you and don't let it go past you. You keep going till someone misses the ball. -
Personal Computers
IBM was a huge computer company back in the 1980’s and they started getting personal computers popular. But MITS made the first personal computer, it was called The Altair. -
The two formats for playing music were Vinyl LP and the cassette tapes. The first CD player cost $2,200 in today's money. -
Adobe Photoshop
When Adobe Photoshop came out, it was a tool used only by professional photographers. Adobe Photoshop was made by the American brothers Thomas and John Knoll. -
Google came out in 1996 and was made by Ph.D. students at Stanford. A cool fact is that Google stands for Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth. -
The reason that the Iphone and Ipad exist is because of the Ipod. The Ipod can hold 1,000 songs. -
A Jetpack
The jetpack weighs 250 lbs and can reach up to 8,000 feet. Yves Rossy was the first person to fly a jetpack.