Word of Mouth
Before anything was ever created, the fastest way for news to travel was by word of mouth. -
4000 BC Carvings or Hieroglyphics were the main way of passing down knowledge from age to age before ink and paper was created -
The Messenger
To get the news farther outside to nearby villages, civilizations, and Kingdoms. Humans sent messengers. -
Town Crier
HEAR YE HEAR YE! Since the beginning of time, the easiest and cheapest way to get the news out to the people was to have a town caller who kept up with news from all different angles, especially royal decisions. A man who stood in the town/village/city square, rang a loud bell and announced at the top of his lungs the daily news. -
Jan 1, 1041
Chinese Printing Press
During the Han Dynasty, a man by the name of Bi Sheng invents and developes new printing press technology. -
Jan 26, 1150
Carrier Pigeons.
Carrier Pigeons were essential to the battles and mainly victories of war. It is said that even Genghis Khan used such methods in his battles. -
News Paper
First ever english major news paper released to the public, done so in 1622. -
1820 - Radio - Hans Christian Orsted 1920 - Television - Alexander Bain -
Paper Boy
However shall we get the news to the people faster? By delivery. Before this? Only rich and royal folks had the news before everyone could see it. -
The internet is introduced to the world by Tim Berners Lee