The Evolution of Jamaican Democracy

By RIG69
  • May 30, 1494

    Columbus Sights Jamaica

    Columbus Sights Jamaica
    Christopher Columbus sights Jamaica. This is important to the democracy because there's no democracy without land.
  • Jamaica Captured by British

    Jamaica Captured by British
    This is not only a huge step for Jamaican democracy, but a huge step for Jamaica as a whole. Jamaica got its democratic ideations from the British, regardless of their independence today. Thus, being captured by the British was an indirect part of the evolution of Jamaican democracy.
  • Slavery Obolished

    Slavery Obolished
    Slavery is obolished in Jamaica. This happened in 1838 and it is important for the evolution of Jamaican democracy because it allowed all citizens to have rights which I feel is an essential part of a democratic system in any country around the world.
  • New Constitution

    New Constitution
    The new constitution marks the end of autonomy. This is important to Jamaican Democracy because updates to the constitution are important for a democracy.
  • Jamaica Withdraws as a Member of the Federation of West Indies

    Jamaica Withdraws as a Member of the Federation of West Indies
    Jamaica decides to take a huge step in its indepence, and step away from the Federation of West Indies. This is important to Jamaican democracy because it makes Jamaica more independent.
  • Economic Sufficiency

    Economic Sufficiency
    Manley is elected Prime Minister, and along with his election comes an economically self sufficient country. This is important to democracy in Jamaica because a true democracy must be able to support its own economy.
  • Seaga is Elected Prime Minister

    Seaga is Elected Prime Minister
    When Edward Seaga became Prime Minister this was a huge step for Jamaica and its democracy and independence because he decided to distance Jamaica from Cuba. This made Jamaica a unique nation which I feel is an essential element to a democratic country.
  • Hurricane Gilbert

    Hurricane Gilbert
    Hurricane Gilbert hits Jamaica. This affects Jamaican democracy because when a natural disaster hits, the element of common good comes into play, where people help to clean up the mess. People do this because they want the best for each other (common good). Although it may not directly affect Jamaican democracy it affects once of the aspects which strengthens the democracy in Jamaica.
  • Parliament Votes to Keep Death Penalty

    Parliament Votes to Keep Death Penalty
    As one of the elements of a democracy is common good, murder is an issue all governments want to avoid. By the Jamaican government adding the death penalty to serve as a deterent for murderers, common good is becoming more easily seen in Jamaica. Thus, this event is extremely important to the evolution of Jamaican democracy.
  • Jamaica Becomes A Republic

    Jamaica Becomes A Republic
    Mrs. Simpson-Miller claims that after 50 years Jamaica needs to drop the British monarchy and become its own independent republic. This is important to Jamaican democracy because it is believed that for a country to be truly democratic it must be independent. By becoming independent, Jamaica can now be seen in the eyes of many as a true democratic country.