The Evolution of Democracy

  • Jan 1, 700

    Athenian Democracy 700 BCE

    Athenian Democracy 700 BCE
    In the Acient Greek city of Athens, from 700 BCE to 350 BCE, was when the first Democracy system was formed. All citizens were required to take part in the cities events. A ctizen of Athens was any male born in Athens, excluding women and slaves.
  • Period: Jan 1, 700 to

    The Evolution of Democracy

  • Jan 1, 1215


    European countreis through the middle ages had Monarchies, a system of government where Kings and Queens ruled. Kings and Queens believed that their job was from god, this was called the Devine Right of Kings, and sometimes that would go straight to their heads, so in 1215 a British nobility group forced the King to resigne and to create Parliament. King John was also forced to sign the Magna Carta, which dates the start of our Parliamentry Democracy.
  • The American Revolution 1775 to 1781

    The American Revolution 1775 to 1781
    The American Revolution was the birth of the first true democracy. Each branch of the government was restricted to limitted power so that one branch could over ride another if one of the branches got power hungry. Americans could vote, but American women could not until 1919, and in 1787 a slave was considered 3/5 of a white person but could still note vote.
  • The French Revolution 1789

    The French Revolution 1789
    The french Revolution was, at the beginning, a fight for democracy, but then the people who were all for freedom against opression, turned into complete dictators - like Napoleon who wanted to conquer Europe - to get what they wanted.
  • Rome Republic 509 BCE

    Rome Republic 509 BCE
    After the King was sent away, Rome became a republic. Partricians (rich families) took over. The Plebs (common people) fought and gained few rights, they helped create what is called the Senate. Only partricians could be Senators but the Plebs had say in the republic, as long as you were a man.