Jan 1, 1215
King John 1 : Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was written around 1215. It states that no police officer may arrest a person, unless they have a reliable witness. It also states that a persons freedom may not be taken away, unless the law in broken and a judge says the person is in the wrong. Everyone is inicent until proven guilty. (Image of the Magna Carta) -
Code of King Hammurbai
This code was formed around 1772 by King Hammurbai, he was the king of wisdom and was the protecting king. His laws stated that if you caused harm to another person, you would receive the same injury as a punishment for hurting the other person. This was his form of justice, so if you broke a persons left arm your left arm would then be broken by the kings men. (In the photo King Hammurbai is standing and is receiving the stele from Shamash.) -
Declaration of the Rights of Man
The Declaration of the Rights of Man was approved by the National Assembly of France in 1789. This declaration states that all dominacne comes from the nations government, no person may force dominance onto another human being unless directed by the nation. Also states that every person has the freedom to do what they want but, their actions cannot hurt other people or themselves, these limits are stated by the law. (Photo of the Declaration of the Rights of Man) -
John Locke: Concerning Civil Government
This was established in the late 1700's and into the early 1800's. States that every person has the freedom from a higher power. People must only follow the laws set by his/ her political area. The that are in place must be followed. ( Photo of John Locke who adressed the Civil Government issue.) -
Amendment XV to Constitution of the U.S.
In 1804 the Amendment XV. Section 1 gave every citizen in the United States the right to vote. No person would be denided the access to vote because of their race, colour or the fact that they have been a slave. (This photo show the amendment taking place that any race can vot in the USA.) -
New Zealand: Election Act
A bill that was to allow women to vote was introduced in June of 1893 in New Zealand by Richard Seddon. A debate took place and the most support came from Maori and Pakeha women. This bill became the Election Act that gave the right to vote to every woman in New Zealand. (This photo show that men and women should be each others equalities.) -
U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
In 1948 the General Assembly announced the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To be acknowledged by every person in every country and to educate everyone about freedoms. Also is to serve the progressive measures nationaly and internatinaly. (This is an image of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.) -
European Member States
This was the union of the European countries in 1957. In this union the coutries agreed to focus on the principles of liberty, democracy and the respect for human rights for a new better Europe after the divion. This will allow the countries to carry out a their new institution. (This is a map of all the countries in the European Member States.)