Analytical Engine
- Never completed
- Planned by Charles Babbage
- “First” computer
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)
- It was the first general purpose computer
UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer)
- First mass produced commercial computer
- Could store up to 1,000 words or 12,000 characters
Altair 8800
- First personal computer (PC)
- Used Intel 8080 CPU (central processing unit, basically the computer's brain.)
Apple I
- Completed by Steve Wozniak
- The start of Apple Computer
- Mainly for hobbyists, not consumers
Apple II
- Very popular
- Mass produced
- First Apple consumer product
Apple II
- Very popular
- Mass produced
- First Apple consumer product
- First successful PC to use GUI and mouse
- The first mass-market computers that had built in screen
iPhone I
- Computer that can "fit in your pocket."
- first iPhone
2019 iMac
- Newest iMac
- Very powerful
- Starts at $1,099.00