
The Evolution of Classroom Technology

By kerimae
  • The Horn-Book

    The Horn-Book
    Wooden paddles with printed lessons were popular in the colonial era.
  • Ferule

    A pointer
  • Magic Lantern

    Magic Lantern
    The ‘magic lantern’ projected images printed on glass plates and showed them in darkened rooms to students.
  • School Slate

  • Chalkboard

  • Pencil

  • Stereoscope

  • Film Projector

  • Radio

  • Overhead Projector

  • Ballpoint Pen

  • Mimeograph

  • Headphones

  • Slide Rule

  • Videotapes

  • Reading Accelerator

  • Skinner Teaching Machine

  • Educational Television

  • Photocopier

  • Liquid Paper

  • Filmstrip Viewer

  • The Hand-Held Calculator

  • Scantron

  • Plato Computer

  • Hand-Held Graphing Calculator

  • CD-ROM Drive

  • Interactive Whiteboard

  • iClicker

  • XO Laptop

  • Apple iPad

    Apple iPad