Evolution of childhood

The evolution of childhood

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    The earliest civilizations

    The earliest civilizations
    In early civilizations, children were workers and educated on the hunt. The girls learned the art of the future child care and they were married just had her first menstruation, they didn’t chose the man who they married.
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    Ancient times

    Ancient times
    Children and adolescents are considered an object more useful for the war and to please adults, they participated in the wars since at this point it was expansion of different cultures, is founded Greece, china, the Inca civilization Azteca, the 1st and 2nd world war.
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    Middle Ages (century X)

    Middle Ages (century X)
    At this time, the families used to children and adolescents as an object of change, adjusting marriages that benefit to the family, in addition they punishing them physically for their evil deeds. They were small adults, education was different between girls and boys.
  • 1300

    Middle ages (XIV)

    Middle ages (XIV)
    The children were understood as evil entities and therefore subject to merciless punishment to dominate them. They were responsible to third parties or abandoned to their fate. The child was often considered a changeling or under the power of the devil (that was the reason because children were baptism).
  • The child like small adult (century XVII)

    The child like small adult (century XVII)
    At that time, it was considered that children are able to adopt the same conduct of adults in society, difference referred to the physical size and your level of experience. They were still a container for dangerous projections, it was their task to mold it into shape.
  • Modern Age

    Modern Age
    In the age, the society begins to consider man as the Center recognizing your needs great thinkers. The child was no longer so full of dangerous projections, and rather than just examine its insides with an enema, the parents approached even closer and attempted to conquer its mind.
  • Century XX

    Century XX
    It was believed that parents should impose routine reactions to life and habits to ensure your success and give multiple impulses. This explains, the long period of dependence of the children The father for the first time begins to take more than an occasional interest in the child, training it, and sometimes even relieving the mother of child-care chores.
  • Contemporary age

    Contemporary age
    The society recognize the child or adolescent as being important with stages that must be respected in the process, it starts with the concept of the family as the most important entity of society, sociologists and philosophers invite us to inquire into childhood. There is no attempt at all to discipline or form habits, so both parents involves in the child’s life as they work to empathize.
  • XXI century

    XXI century
    The child as a social subject of law with the emergence of the Convention on the rights of the child. The child as a social being with rights and duties. It establishes that the society and the State must provide the protection, education and care for the satisfaction of their basic needs and for the achievement of its overall wellbeing. The result is a child who is gentle, sincere, never depressed, never imitative or group-oriented, strong-willed, and unintimidated by authority.