
The Evolution of Business

  • Vanderbilt

    History Video

    Revolutionized transpertaion, by monolopizing the use of steam engines and the railroads for public transportaion.

    Built grand central staion, which is still used today as a primary location in New York.
  • Fourteenth Admendment

    Fourteenth Admendment
    Defining citizenship for anyone born on U.S. soil, including slaves.
  • Standard Oil

    Standard Oil
    He built his first oil refinery near Cleveland and in 1870 incorporated the Standard Oil Company. Quickly creating a monopolistic market.
  • Sherman Anti - Trust Act

    Sherman Anti - Trust Act
    The Sherman Act authorized the Federal Government to institute proceedings against trusts in order to dissolve them. Any combination “in the form of trust or otherwise that was in restraint of trade or commerce among the several states, or with foreign nations” was declared illegal. The Sherman Act was designed to restore competition but was loosely worded and failed to define such critical terms as “trust,” “combination,” “conspiracy,” and “monopoly.”
  • Agricultural Advandcements

    Agricultural Advandcements
    Booker T. Washington founds the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute in Alabama. The school becomes one of the leading schools of higher learning for African Americans, and stresses the practical application of knowledge. In 1896, George Washington Carver begins teaching there as director of the department of agricultural research, gaining an international reputation for his agricultural advances.
  • First Nation Trust Formation

    First Nation Trust Formation
    Standard Oil formed a trust to maximize profits of oil to nine trusties who divided the enire stock shares. AT the time standard was the only market for oil comsumption.
  • Correction Of Sherman ACT

    Correction Of Sherman ACT
    The Sherman Act was designed to restore competition but was loosely worded and failed to define such critical terms as “trust,” “combination,” “conspiracy,” and “monopoly.” Five years later, the Supreme Court dismantled the Sherman Act in United States v. E. C. Knight Company
  • Invention of Tractor

    Invention of Tractor
    The tractor is invented by American Benjamin Holt, using a catipillar track to spread the weight in heavy agricultural machinery.
    agricutural goods can now be mass produced effectivly and more efficient
  • Isthmian Canal Commission

    Isthmian Canal Commission
    The U.S. purchased the Panama Canal from the French. Leading to a rise in job oppurtunities and profitable business accusations from shipping organizations around the world.
  • Model T's Assembly Line

    Model T's Assembly Line
    Ford's innovative business practices, including standardization, the assembly line, and high wages for workers, revolutionized American industry.
  • Creation of IBM

    Creation of IBM
    IBM manufactures and markets computer hardware and software, and offers infrastructure, hosting and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology. This increased communication and data collecting for businesses on an international level.
  • Construction of Empire State Building

    Construction of Empire State Building
    The project would use 3,400 workers and cost $24.7 million. The Empire State Building would later be used as internaitonal source of trade.
  • Women in the Workforce in WWII

    Women in the Workforce in WWII
    Over 2 million women entered the workforce. Working many factory and assmebly lines for production of military products.
  • First television Advertisment

    First television Advertisment
    commercialBulova introduced the world's first television commercial. Industrializing and opening the new market of Advertisiment.
  • GATT

    is a multilateral agreement regulating trade among 153 countries. According to its preamble, the purpose of the GATT is the "substantial reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers and the elimination of preferences, on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis."

    The two largest American labor unions, the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations, merge to form the AFL-CIO, boasting membership of fifteen million.
  • The Bay of Pigs

    The Bay of Pigs
    The U.S. no longer trades with Cuba as they propose threats on U.S. soil. Cuba once a fast developing country, due to its mass production of cane surgar, has a had a significant economic decrease. and would later find themsevles apart from NAFTA and other international trade agreements.
  • World Trade Center "Twin Towers"

    World Trade Center "Twin Towers"
    Upon completeion of the Twin Towers, corporations, govenrments and people had an international, "One Stop Shop" creating a large network of products and profits in two single buildings.

    The purpose of NAFTA was to encourage trade by eliminating tariffs on most goods originating in and traded between these countries over a fifteen-year period.
  • Smart Phones

    Smart Phones
    The introduction of smart phones, and smart technolgoy lead to to a new era of business, due to the increase of communitcations, and social media neworking.