The Evolution

By Misery
  • Period: 1 BCE to

    "Before the evolution"

    Religion denied all the theories, this in conjunction with the solid beliefs about the creationism, concluded in lots of years without an evolution theory
  • Fixism

    According to this theory, each being is born from different places, evolution never happened and no species has ever changed its shape throughout history. Since no species has been altered, it is implied that there is no nexus of any kind between the different living beings that inhabit the planet.
  • Preevolutionism

    The Preevolutionism are all the theories stablished before Lmarck's theory, in this period of time, there were several theories to explain these types of changes, however, they were all denied for religion, because that broke with perfect idea about the omnipotent creator
  • Lamarckism

    Lamarckism or Lamarck Theory is called the scientific theory on the evolution of species, proposed by the French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in his book Zoological Philosophy. Lamarck formulated that living beings evolve by adapting to the conditions, circumstances and environments in which they develop, and the diversity of situations to which they may be subjected would have led to the great diversity of current life forms.
  • Period: to

    The Pioneer of the evolution theories: Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

  • Darwinism/Natural Selection

    Darwinism/Natural Selection
    The famous naturalist Charles Darwin, after traveling through much of South America, wrote his controversial and influential book, “The Origin of Species”. In it, he proposes that all living things evolve (or, as he put it, have "descendants with modifications") and that all living species can trace their ancestry to a common ancestor.
    This process consists of the population of living organisms adapting the situations to be capable of surviving.
  • Period: to

    The Big Change: Darwin

  • Period: to

    A New Era, New Theories

    Over the years, science evolved and the technology emerged, and with this, all the classic theories about every thing, were disapproved or adapted to the new data
  • Neodarwinism

    It refers to an approach on the renovating evolutionary theory; it is responsible for unifying both the foundations on which natural selection is based and the most innovative discoveries regarding genetics. This theory was developed by a group of scientists, who were based on genetic variation and natural selection, elements that come from the theories made by Darwin, but with a slight difference and that is that have certain changes thanks to the advances
  • Saltacionism

    The hypothesis that, in evolutionary theory, faces Darwinian gradualism and proposes saltation as a mechanism of speciation. Proposes that the phenotypic changes that occur in lineages during evolution are the product of large and marked jumps, without the existence of intermediate variants between biological entities.
  • Neutralism

    Made by the Japanese Motō Kimura.
    Establishes that a good portion of the genetic variation observed in populations is caused by the vacillation of genetic variants that are neutral, of which nature barely interferes. When two or more genetic variations act like this, both will be equally effective for the survival and reproduction. The appearance, by mutation, of a neutral variant is undetectable for selection and only chance will determine its survival or extinction.