Germany Leaves the Leauge of Nations
6.1 - By sending in a letter, Hitler withdrew Germany from the League of Nations claiming that the Treaty of Versialles had forced Germany to join in the first place. This claim was completely false, and other countries knew this, but chose not to speak out because they felt guilty. Withdrawing from the League of Nations was Germany's first move towards distancing itself from other countires. -
Hitler Begins to Re-arm Germany
6.1 - The first of Hitler "Saturday surprises," Hitler announced that he was going to grow the German armed forces, miltitary production, and reinstate the draft. All of these had been prohibited by the Treaty of Versialles, but Hitler claimed that it was all out of defense, so countries let it be. Hitler worded this announcement in such a way that Germans and even people abroad believed that he only wanted peace and security. -
German Troops Move into the Rhineland
6.1 - Almost exactly a year after Hitler's first Saturday suprise, he made another one. This time he ordered troops into the Rhineland, a land rich in recources, which had been occupied by foreign troops as part of the Treaty. Once again other countries put up no resistance mainly because memories of WWI were still fresh, and no one wanted war. -
Germany Invades Austria
6.2 - After forming an alliance with Facist Italy, Hitler decides to invade Austria, a country and people he considers to be Germanic. Before invading he held a talk with Austria's leader, but just days after the failed meeting Nazis troops entered Austria. Again no country reisted Hitler, only Winston Churchill of England feared that Hitler would continue on into Chechoslozakia and other countries. -
Nazis Take Control of Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia
6.4 - Soon after taking control of Austria, Hitler set he sights on Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland in particular). To avoid conflict, the Prime Minister of Britain tried to compromise and appease Hitler, but was unsuccessful. Only when Mussolini of Italy stepped in, did Hitler finally agree to sign the Munich Pact, which gave Germany Sudetenland as long as Hitler did not demand any more land. -
Hitler Declares War on Poland
6.14 - On Augest 31, Hitler staged a Polish army attack using concentration camp prisoners as Polish soldiers. Claiming Poland had attacked, Hitler moved into and through national radio declared war on Poland. As a result Poland, Britain, and France quickly retaliated with their own declarations of war against Germany. This attack signifies the unofficial start of World War 2. -
Germany Defeats Poland in Only 18 Days
6.14 - Even though France, Britian, and Poland were all officially at war with Germany, the German army was still able to role through Poland. In just 18 days, Poland had been defeated, and quickly the Nazis instated all of their policies upon the Poles and Polish Jews in particular. Poland was the first victim of the war, and after its fall, no country could ingore Hitler and the Nazis any more. -
All Jews are Forced to Wear Yellow Stars
6.15 - As part of the Nazi's anti-semetic laws, all Jews under Nazi control were forced to wear yellow stars and to abide curfew. This actions were taken to further distingush Jews as outsiders and inferior especially in conqured countries. Labor camps and ghettoes quickly followed these new laws. -
Non-Aryian Polish Children are No Longer Entitled to Decent Education
6.15 - Six months after Germany's invasion of Poland, Himmler, Hitler's 2nd in command, created an education system which heavily favored Polish children who were considered Aryian. Non-Aryians were sent to schools were they basicallyonly learned besic math and German propaganda. Children who were deemed Aryian enough were sent to schools which preped them for their roles in the new Germany; boys were to become soldiers, and girls were taught to be traditional German mothers. -
From April - June, Germany had conqured: Denmark, Norway, Luxemburg, and France
6.17 - Using thier now infamous 'bliz' tactic, the Germans were able to defeat many counries extremly quickly. This quick fighting style was a big change from WWI were the battle lines only shifted a few miles over years. After conquering France, Hitler basically controlled most of Europe, exept for England. -
Dutch Jews Go on Strike
6.17 - To protest their treatement by Nazis and fellow countrymen, Dutch Jews went on strike. For three days they accomplished their goal very effectivly, however the Nazis quickly craked down and restored order. Those who were captured were punished brutally, being sent to death camps or being deported. -
Hitler Invades the Societ Union (Russia)
6.18 - To destroy "the Jewish-Bolshevik menace" (the problems caused by the Jews and communists), Hitler orders German forces to invade Russia. However, unlike the other Europien countries, the Germans could not hope to defeat Russia with quick devastating attacks because it was so big. Rather Hitler had to be pacient and adanvce slowly instating his anti-semetic and anti-communist policies in conqured areas. Part of this forced soldiers to kill anyone considered an enemy of the state. -
The United States Declares War on Japan
6.19 - One day after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, FDR gave his famous speech to Congress, in which he declared that the US was officially at war with Japan. This came while only a few years before, Congress had passed a law stating that the US would not go to war with, or aid, any foreign waring countries. This marked the official start of the US' involvement in the Second World War. -
Hitler Declares War on the United States
6.19 - Responding to Japan's request for help, just days after the US declared war on Japan, Hitler did the same to the US. This allows the three main international powerhouses, the US, Russia, France and Britian, to form alliances against one common enemy .... Germany. Hitler's decision to declare war on the United States indicates the beginning of the end for Hitler, the Nazis, and the Third Reich. -
Germany Surrenders to the Allies
Days after Hitler committed sudicide and Allied troops took control of Berlin, German officials surrender to the Allies. Like Hitler, many high-ranking Nazis comitted suicide. Following the end of WWII, the United Nations was founded to ensure that there will never be a WWIII.