The Fall of Saigon marked the end of the Vietnam War. The communist North seized Saigon and reunited the state once more as a communist state. The events leading up to the Fall of Saigon are shown in the timeline below.
By chrissuppa
North Vietnamese Declaration of Independence
After World War II, the Japanese lost control of Vietnam and thus France regained control. Ho Chi Minh declared independence for North Vietnam. His declaration was modeled after the United States Declaration of Independence. He hoped to gain support from the United States but was unsuccessful. Ho Chi Minh was trained in the Soviet Union to be an agent of the Communist International. He founded the Indochinese communist party in 1930. -
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https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a3/Tonkin%2C_annam%2C_and_cochin_china.jpg/375px-Tonkin%2C_annam%2C_and_cochin_china.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7e/Hammer_and_sickle.svg/225px-Hammer_and_sickle.svg.png https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ae/Victory_in_Battle_of_Dien_Bien_Phu.jpg/450px-Victory_in_Battle_of_Dien_Bien_Phu.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/474x/6f/de/b3/6fdeb37242b20dedf1a3a3100d4a57a1--vietnam-map-south-vietnam.jpg -
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https://i.pinimg.com/474x/12/6f/e8/126fe83f81f2f5c70676412ad8e132cc--vietnam-history-war-photography.jpg https://www.stripes.com/polopoly_fs/1.508066.1516728999!/image/image.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/95/Saigon-hubert-van-es.jpg https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/south-vietnam-surrenders https://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/vietnam-war-timeline https://www.britannica.com/event/Battle-of-Dien-Bien-Phu https://spartacus-educational.com/VNnlf.htm -
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Image URL's and sites used Continued
https://www.nytimes.com/1964/02/02/archives/another-coup-in-south-vietnam-raises-questions-for-a-critical-area.html https://www.history.com/news/fall-of-saigon-timeline-vietnam-war https://www.thoughtco.com/vietnam-war-nixon-and-vietnamization-p2-2361339 https://vietnam.unsw.adfa.edu.au/50th-anniversary-south-vietnams-1967-presidential-election/ -
Support From Communist Nations
North Vietnam was officially recognized by newly communist China and the Soviet Union. The two countries began supplying the communist resistance fighters in North Vietnam with financial and military aid. The aid from these countries was essential in North Vietnam for how the rest of the war played out. Allies were crucial for the north to succeed. -
Geneva Accords
The Geneva Accords established the line between North and South Vietnam at the 17th parallel. An election was supposed to be held within two years to unite the country once again under one government, however this election did not occur. This officially divided the country between North (communist) Vietnam and its Southern counterpart. -
French Defeat
The Battle of Dien Bien Phu was between the Viet Minh and French troops. The conflict was over control of an outpost right near the Vietnamese border near Laos. Control of this outpost was important for North Vietnam later in the war for the Ho Chi Minh Trail, a method for transporting supplies to troops. French defeat in this battle marked the end of French control in Indochina and left the Northern Vietnamese with a strategic outpost. -
National Liberation Front is Formed
The National Liberation Front (NLF) is formed and is essentially an arm of North Vietnam in the South. It is more commonly referred to in America as the Viet Cong. Ho Chi Minh intended for people in South Vietnam to one day be united as a whole country. To do this, according his trusted advisor Le Duan, he needed an armed resistance in South Vietnam. -
Rapid (and numerous) Changes in Government
In the two year span between 1963-1965, the South Vietnamese Government have 12 governmental changes, each resulting from a separate coup. The instability left the country vulnerable, however the United States continued support kept the country standing. This sent messages of instability to other countries. -
Presidential Election of 1967
Under a newly established constitution, South Vietnam elects Nguyen Van Thieu as president. This marked stability in the country and sent a much more stable message than when the country underwent so many governmental changes a few years before. Demonstrated to communists that the support from the people of Vietnam was needed if there was to be a uniting of the two countries once more. -
Central Highlands
Communists attempt an offense in the Central Highlands. South Vietnamese troops with support from the United States stop the attack.This was an important defense by the United States and South Vietnamese troops and kept the South fighting. -
Tet Offensive
Tet is a very important holiday in Vietnam. However, Viet Minh and North Vietnamese armies carry out attacks in over 100 cities/outposts in Southern Vietnam during Tet. It is a turning point in the war. The United States begins to withdraw from Vietnam. This is a problem for the South. Lack of U.S. support could leave the South Vietnamese vulnerable to falling to communism in the North. -
Battles at Hue and Saigon
Battles take place at Hue and Saigon and end up with victories for ARVN and American troops. It was looking bad for the communists as the war was going well for the South Vietnamese and Americans, However, the battles merely distracted them and later the Northern Vietnamese launched the Tet Offensive. -
Operation Lam Son 719
ARVN and United States troops invade Laos to attempt to cut off the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The Ho Chi Minh trail was the main supply trail to North Vietnamese troops. The attack was unsuccessful and they were forced to retreat. With the Americans gradually withdrawing from the country and continued losses, the war was looking bad for the South. -
Paris Peace Accord
Paris Peace accord ends direct U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. However, North Vietnam continues to plot to take control of South Vietnam. Without direct United States support, the South was left vulnerable to the North. -
Fall of Saigon
The Northern Vietnamese begin to take over city after city in South Vietnam and eventually arrive at Saigon. The vulnerable city of Saigon is seized by communist forces and the United States evacuates citizens and troops out of the city to save them from harm. It is the unofficial end of the Vietnam War, ending with the country reunited once more as a communist state.