The events leading Up to the Civil War

  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was a compromise that tells whether or not missouri would be a slave state or a free state. Henry clay thought up of this compromise and that he said that missouri would be a slave state since there were already slave holders there and that there would be a line known as the 36"30" line and that anything below this line would be a slave state and anybody above would be a free state except missouri.
  • Hariet Tubman

    Hariet Tubman
    Harriet tubman was a extordinary abolitionist who helped hundreds of slaves to freedom. She was bon a slave but ranaway to thee north toher new life. She came back and forth roughly nineteen times helping hundreds.
  • Nat Turners Rebellion

    Nat Turners Rebellion
    Nat turners rebellion was a rebellion was a rebellion of 60-70 black slave who rebelled against the slave owners about a total of 60 plantation members and families were killed. About 3000 militia men were sent to capture nat turners rebellion and they were caught. Nat turners was tried in court and was found guilty and an author wrote about his confessions before he was hanged. After this slave holders were worried it would happen again so a mass torturing of slaves occured.
  • The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad
    The Underground Railroad was a secret connection of roads people and trails that led slaves to their freedom and to start a new life. Thousands of slaves used this to get away and that some of the most famous abolitionists in their time. Harriet tubman went back and forth roughly 19 times saving at least 200. THe underground railroad started roughly in the late and early 1830's
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    Henry Clay came up whith this compromise over the dispute that if californis would be a slave or a free state. The compromise had five parts the main two are that California would be a free state and that the south would get the fugitive slave bill that said all runaway slaves would have to go back to their owners and that any suspected slave would get brought back even if they were never a slave in their life.
  • The Kansas Nebraska Act Part 2

    The Kansas Nebraska Act Part 2
    After 4 seperate elections Congress declared kansas as to be a free state. This will be a major stepping stone to the country altimately going to civil war.
  • The Kansas Nebraska Act

    The Kansas Nebraska Act
    Stephen Douglas wrote up the Kansa Nebraska act and was passed by congress opn May on May 30,1854 to allow the settlers in the Kansas and Nebraska territory to decide whether or not they wanted to have slaves there or not. As a result many pro slavery and anti slavery settlers rushed in the area causing the two groups to clash and then the vilence broke out. so the Anti slavery and pro slavery settlers had elections to see whether or not it would be a free state or a slave state. After 4 sepera
  • The election of 1860

    The election of 1860
    The election of 1860 was a political battle for presidency. Abraham lincoln won this election with 180 electoral votes. John breckingridge was second with 72 electoral votes. Then came John bell and stephen douglass. This was one of sparks that ignited the civil war.
  • The Attack on Fort Sumter

    The Attack on Fort Sumter
    The attac on fort sumter is when the civil war started. Confederate gun batteries started to fire on a union fort named fort sumter. Supply ships in the visinity had to fall back or they would of been destroyed. This is when abraham lincoln sent in troops to start the war.