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Abolishment Movement
The movement rose awareness of slavery and it's negative effects, creating a division between people who supported slavery and people who didn't. This division, for the most part, was spread over the south and north, creating a rivalry against them. This rivalry contributed to starting the war because of the growing tension. -
Missouri Compromise
Missouri Compromise was an effort made by congress to have Missouri be a slave owning state and be part of the union. To do this Maine also had to be added to the union to make the ratio of slave states and free states even and a line was drawn to indicate where slaves were free and not free. Once this was repealed it created trouble determening this line and tension between free and none free states increased. -
Fugative Slave Act
An Act that allowed for runnaway slaves to be captured and rerturned. This law was a result of things like the underground railraod. Northeners imediatley disliked the law because it turned their states into "hunting grounds". It was also highly contreversial because it resulted in many free black people being kidnapped and taken as former slaves. This created tension and hate between the northern and southern states. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
A fictional book that depicts the reality of being slave. This book changed the views of many people, creating more of a tension. The more people that became aware of the real parts of slavery, the more people that were willing to fight for its abolishment and fight the people supporting it. -
Dred Scott Decesion
Dred Scott was a slave whose owner lived in both the states of Illinios and Wisconsin, both which were free states. Scott believed he deserved to be free as long as his owner brought him to states that banned slavery. When brought to court, the case was denied since Scott wasn't a citizen. This created tension because it introduced the possibilty of slaves being owned, even in states up north that ban it. This tension was one of the factors leading to the war. -
The Election of 1860
In the election of 1860 President Abraham Lincoln was elected. Liincoln did not support slavery although he also did not abolish it. Lincoln decided to restrict the expansion of slavery but not ban it where it was already allowed. This restricted slavery from growing which upset many people in the south and it also upset people in the north who wanted it to be abolished and gone forever. -
Southern Sucession
Eleven southern states withdrew from the Union forming their own goverment (the confedracy). This built a tension between the southern and nothern states since it was only the southern states that left the union. This tension was one of the many facots that encouraged the civil war. -
The Battle of Fort Sumter
As a result of the sucession President Lincoln decided to help out and send fresh supplies to beleaugured garrisons The confederate states turned back the supply convoy to Fort Sumter. This resulted in 34- hour bombardment. This finally lead to the civil war since President Lincoln was forced to fight back.