The Europen Union

  • Period: to

    the origins of th EU

    By Ignacio Viñuales
  • the beginnig of the EU

    After the second world war a lot of european coutries decided to create a organisation strengthen the cooperation the countries
  • the creator

    The creator was robert schuman, the french minister of the foreign affair in may of 1950
  • the first 6 countries of the EU

    the first six countries were: Belgium, France, Italy, west Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. they created the ECSC.
  • the expand

    in 1957 the signed the treaties of roma, they wanted to expand on economic (EEC) and in energetic (EAEC or ERATOM)
  • Spain and EU

    Spain join at the EU in 1986 now a days wiht the 7% of the population in the world is one of the important economic world power
  • From the EEC to the EU

    the maastricht treaty came into the force and the EEC became to the european union(EU)
  • Money

    in 2002 the money change the the euro but just in the countries that are in the eurozone
  • England and the brexit

    England didin´t want to formade part of the EU and in early of the 2020 they go of the EU also now as brexit as a political decision
  • All the countries that fomade the EU

    in 1973 were 9 countries
    in 1981 were 10 countries
    in 1986 were 12 countries
    in 1995 were 15 countries
    in 2004 were 25 countries
    in 2007 were 27 countries
    in 2013 were 28 countries
    but in 2020 were 27 countries
  • Extra information

    The last winter I went to Belgium there was when I learn all that I now of the EU because my fathers uncle lives there and works at the onu he nows a lot of thing and he splain me a lot all a baut the EU and one thig that I see is that in Bruselas is the parlament of the EU