The european union

  • Several European countries

    Several European countries decided to create an organisation to strengthen cooperation between the countries of Europe (1939-1945)
  • Robert Schuman

    Robert Schuman
    Speech by Robert Schuman , Minister for Foreign Affairs of France,
  • ECSC was founded.

    ECSC was founded.
    Six europeans countries (Belgium, France, Italy, West Germany, , Luxembourg and the Netherlands) created the ECSC
  • Treaties of Rome

    Treaties of Rome
    Treaties of Rome were signed, which estabilished the EEC and the EAEC
  • Inner six

    Inner six
    The states that founded EEC were known the 'Inner six'
  • Nine members

    EEC was enlarged to nine members (Denmark, Ireland, and the United Kingdom were joined)
  • ERDF

    European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) was founded
  • 1981

    EEC was enlarged to ten members (Greece was joined)
  • Twelve members

    Twelve members
    EEC was enlarged to twelve members ( Spain and Portugal were added )and Single European ACT was signed
  • Maastricht Treaty

    Maastricht Treaty
    Maastricht Treaty came into force
  • Fifteen members

    Fifteen members
    EU was enlarged to fifteen members (Austria, Finland and Sweden)
  • EU Central Bank

    EU Central Bank
    European Central Bank was founded
  • Treaty of Nice

    Treaty  of Nice
    Adoption of the Treaty of Nice, which come into force in 2003
  • Euro

    The official European currency, the euro came into circulation
  • 25 members

    25 members
    EU was enlarged to twenty-five members ( the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia)
  • 27 members

    27 members
    EU was enlarged to twenty-seven members (
    Romania and Bulgaria)
  • Treaty of Lisbon

    Treaty of Lisbon
    Treaty of Lisbon came into force
  • 28 members

    28 members
    EU was enlarged to twenty-eight members (Croatia joined)