Eureka stockade battle

The Eureka Stockade

  • Robert Rede becomes a Gold Commissioner.

    Robert Rede becomes Ballarat’s resident Gold Commissioner.
  • Charles Hotham Airrival in victoria

    Lt Governor Charles Hotham arrives in Victoria. He realises the colony is in mounting financial debt so he orders weekly licensing hunts in the attempt to increase the colonies’ income.
  • Murder

    James Scobie, a miner, is murdered outside the Eureka Hotel.
    James Bentley, the owner of the Eureka Hotel, was charged with Scobie's murder.
  • Bentley not guilty of Scobies death and released

    Following a Coroner’s inquest into the death of Scobie, Bentley is released due to lack of evidence. Many diggers believe that the Magistrate, John Dewes is both a friend and a business partner of Bentley.
  • Eureka hotel burnt down

    Angry miners meet on the site of Scobies death to discuss the next course of action on Bentley's acquittal. Some members of the meeting get carried away and end up starting a riot. As a result the Eureka hotel was burnt down.
  • Mining Licenses

    Mining Licenses
    Miners decided to burn their gold mining licenses the following day in a mass burning on Bakery Hill.
  • Final Clash

    The final clash at the Eureka Stockade, between the miners and police / military occurred, early in the morning on Sunday December 3rd 1854.
  • Miner’s Trial

    The miner’s trial takes place in Melbourne and all the miners were acquitted.
  • Miners are given rights to vote

    A royal Commission is established to investigate the miner's grievances. It leads to improvements in conditions on the Goldfields. The cost of the Licence is reduced and the miners are given rights to vote.
  • Governor Hotham dies in Melbourne