The Establishment of Abigail’s Government

  • Dictator kills off other political parties in order to restrict opinions and speech

    The dictator was beginning to lose control quickly, and decided that he must kill off the other known political parties in order to scare others in to his views. It was also to allow him to have more power through fear of his citizens.
  • Mob Uprising

    This uprising was unfortunately unsuccessful. The citizens were not going to be controlled by the dictator, and they decided to rebel and fight. They were very upset at the deaths of their loved ones. They were unfortunately unable to access the dictator during this uprising, and eventually the settled back down.
  • Dictator kills some of the people involved in the uprising

    The dictator was unhappy with the spirit of his citizens, and he decided that more people must die, because he is unable to scare them into submission. Major groups are executed.
  • Successful Mob Uprising

    This time, the uprising is able to access the dictator. They ask him to change his ways, and he refuses. The decided that he must be overthrown.
  • Dictator Overthrown

    The dictator is overthrown and executed by the uprising of his citizens.
  • Politicians are Threatened

    The current politicians are threatened with their lives if they do not step down and go with the current revolution. They comply out of fear. They are banned from helping create a new government.
  • Leaders of the uprising come together

    The leaders decide to come together to decide what should happen next with the government: if they should stay similar to what they were, or create something entirely different and unique.
  • Planning of the new government

    People gathered together to formulate new ideas on what government should now be implemented.
  • Conflicting Opinions

    The group soon realized too many participants were involved in the planning of the government. They had to choose who was going to be involved, and how they were going to proceed to come up with ideas in the upcoming meetings.
  • Compromise of Opinions

    It was agreed upon everyone that the process will go faster if the main leaders of the uprising decide what the government should be. The rest of the citizens will then directly vote if they approve of the structure and organization of the government that they had created.
  • Period: to

    New Government is Created

  • People Voted

    The people decided in favor of the new government, as everyone wanted anything besides the dictatorship, but they also wanted this government to last.