Protests erupted against a decision of British company monopolying over Persia's tobacco trade.
Nasir al-Din is assassinated by a follower of Jaman al-Din al-Afghani and Muzaffar al-Din becomes the new Iranian shah
The british businessman had been given a 60 year concession to search for oil in Persia, with 16 percent of the profits from any discoveries going to the Persian government
Persian Constitutional revolution begins
The revolution begun with protests breaking out over tariffs that Persia had to to pay back to Russia. -
First Majilis (Parliment)
Photo shows the members of the first Parliment. -
First parliamentary constitution approved
by democratically elected parliment -
Muzaffar, the current shah of Iran, dies
His pro-Russian son Muhammad Ali becomes the new shah of Iran -
Agreement that the British and the Russians divided Iran into spheres of influence
Once oil was discovered in 1908, the british tightened control.http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=iran+spheres+of+influence&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=nKCMYenvSUCxbM&tbnid=Vz-i8qZA71a92M:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.sfsu.edu%2Fmroozbeh%2Fpages%2FPage-Hist-ConsRev.htm&ei=TUpVUdyOF4XXPJmygdAI&bvm=bv.44442042,d.bGE&psig=AFQjCNExLyXXDjWgm4HSm61Zp8CXIIp8Xg&ust=1364630465338016 -
First oil is drilled from Iran
After oil was found on the previously divvided speres of influence
D’Arcy created the Anglo-Persian Oil Company. This company is now known as BP. -
Shah Muhammad Ali suspends the constitution
This was done with the help of Russia, however soon Muhammad would be taken off the throne (one year later). -
Najaf Quli Khan deposes the shah (Muhammad Ali)
This revolution leads to the restoration of the constiution, which Muhammad Ali suspended. -
Russia invades northern provinces of Iran
The first public school for girls opens in Iran
Cossack general Reza Khan seizes power in Iran
Later becoming the war minister. -
Iran hires the US economist Arthur Millspaugh to run its finances
Iran hires the US economist Arthur Millspaugh to run its finances -
Reza Khan appoints himself as Shah of Persia
The Qajar dynasty ends and the Pahlavi dynasty begins