The Era of Good Feelings

  • Fletcher v. Peck

    Marshall's Decision
  • Martin v. Hunter's Lease

    Marshall's Decision
  • Tariff of 1816

  • Second Bank of United States

    was chartered in 1816, five years after the First Bank of the United States lost its own charter.
  • The Era of Good Feelings begin

    The Era of Good Feelings begin
    James Monroe elected as the President of United States
  • Rush-Bagot Agreement

  • Treaty of 1818

  • Panic of 1819

    was the first major financial crisis in the United States[1], which occurred during the end of the Era of Good Feelings. The new nation faced a depression in the late 1780s (which led directly to the establishment of the dollar and, perhaps indirectly, to the calls for a Constitutional Convention), and another severe economic downturn in the late 1790s following the Panic of 1797.
  • Dartmouth College v. Woodward

    Marshall's Decision
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    Marshall's Decision
  • Adams-Onis Treaty

  • Missouri Compromise

  • Tallmadge Amendment

  • Cohens v. Virginia

    Marshall's Decision
  • Gibbons v. Ogden

    Marshall's Decision
  • Monroe's Doctrine

  • Completion of Erie Canal