The era of a new goat

  • Lebron's birth

    Lebron's birth
    On December 30,1984 Lebron James was brought into this world where he eventually changes the way of playing basketball on a whole different level of insanity. He was born in Arkon, Ohio.
  • Time between high school and College

    Time between high school and College
    In Lebron's years young he had very hard life experience . In this time he has been kicked out of his household, dropped out of school, and his dad left his mom and ran away without saying goodbye to young Lebron and his mom. All of this was the motivation that he needed to become the greatest in what he does best, play basketball.
  • Draft day

    Draft day
    After Lebron tough experience through droping out of college he was eventually scooted by the NBA's scoot and recuited to the NBA. He was chosen as the number 1 draft pick which meant he was the first choice many teams wanted. He was drafted alongside great players like Chris Bosh, Dwayne Wade, and Carmelo Anthony.
  • First all star appearance

    First all star appearance
    In 2005 Lebron James was seen as a superstar and was offered a spot on the team where he would reappear for 18 more years.
  • First Olympic Gold medal

    First Olympic Gold medal
    In 2008 Lebron was offered a spot on the all american, team USA. He would go on to play along some of the best players consisting of Kobe Bryant, Carmelo Anthony, and Chris Bosh. This pretty much will show every team that has Lebron and one other great player is unstoppable.
  • First MVP award

    First MVP award
    In 2009 Lebron got what he deserved which was his first MVP award. He was carrying his team and bringing them many wins thought his many years in the NBA. He has been a great player and definitely deserved this award. He goes on to get three more MVP awards though out his career.
  • The big Three

    The big Three
    When Lebron moved to the Miami Heat we saw a whole different side of this player. His stats where at it's highest and he had amazing teammates. When he got there he was blessed with two superstars to help push him to that champion ship that well see later on in this time line. The two players that where helping him where Dwayne wade A.K.A. the Flash and Chris Bosh A.K.A. CB4.
  • Time for a new team

    Time for a new team
    After 7 years on the Cavaliers he was ready to start his legacy and become great. When he left he got the most hate that he would ever have in his years playing. There where people calling him a traitor and spraying racial slurs on his house in Miami. This was a tough time for him but with time things get better.
  • Back to back rings

    Back to back rings
    In 2011 to 2013 Lebron and his two great champions won the NBA Finals making them the champions. Lebron managed to help this amazing team win 2011-2012's finals against the Oklahoma Thunder making that the heats second champion ship throughout the many years this team has been a team. The next year Lebron and his amazing team now featuring Ray Allen go up against the San Antonio Spurs which was a big hard battle that the Heat eventually win.
  • Back to Clevland

    Back to Clevland
    After a short but amazing run in Miami Lebron decided it was only fair to his fans if he went back to Clevland to finish what he started and win a champions ship. He was been in the game for a good 12 years now and was ready to win. He also had J.R> Smith in his prime and Kyrie Irving.
  • Keep the Lakers legacy going

    Keep the Lakers legacy going
    After finishing his contract in the Cleveland Lebron was ready for a new journey. Some where nice and sunny where he could raise his kids, California. Throughout all of NBA history the Lakers where never bad and always had someone with an insane ability of the game on the team and now the torch has been passed on to Lebron.
  • Fun facts about "The King"

    Fun facts about "The King"
    1. In 2007 Lebron James carried the Cleveland Cavaliers just to get sweeped 0-4 to the Spurs.
    2. Kyrie Irving left the Cavs in Lebrons second time coming back because he didn't want to be known as Lebron's sidekick.
    3. He has a net worth of 400 million dollars not including his endorsements with Nike and commercials 4.At 17 he was on Sports Illustrated magazines 5.Lebron partly owns Liverpool soccer team
    4. When he was 19 he bought a mansion that cost 9.2 million dollars(it had 19 rooms)
  • Work sited

    1. “LeBron James' Career Timeline.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 2 July 2018,
    2. “LeBron James Biography Facts, Childhood And Personal Life.” SportyTell, 20 July 2019,
  • Work sited

    1. Caruso, Carmine. “LeBron James Wins First NBA MVP.” Bleacher Report, Bleacher Report, 7 Aug. 2017,
    2. Yousefi, Ryan. “Five Reasons Miami Got the Best Version of LeBron James.” Miami New Times, 4, 1 Apr. 2019,