Jan 22, 1561
Francis bacon
Francis Bacon was born on January 22, 1561 in England. Francis Bacon provided ideas for the union of England and Scotland and recommended measures for rapprochement with the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church. For these efforts he was granted a knighthood in 1603. He was appointed commissioner for the union of Scotland and England and was granted a pension in 1604. -
Isaac Newton was the physicist born on January 4, 1643, he made the first postulations about gravity and its behavior with bodies; as well as the behavior of an object when subjected to a specific force, acceleration and friction. -
Galileo was born on February 15, 1654, he was a very important astronomer since thanks to him we were able to see the moon and know more about the celestial bodies since Galileo was the inventor of the telescope, which was created in 1610 -
Nicolaus Copernicus was born on February 19, 1473 in Poland, he was very important because thanks to his research we realized that the Earth was not the center of our solar system, he proposed that the Earth and the other planets revolved around the Sun in a system heliocentric and not, as was then thought, in a geocentric system in which the Earth was the center