The English Language

  • Period: 1500 to

    The Three big corner stones of English Dialects

  • Trade with India

    Trade with India
    Year 1600, Queen Elizabeth of England decided that trade between England and India could be benefitial. Trade was now official between the two countries and English became the language for trade. because of this decision som indian peope decided to learn english to easier understand English culture and to be able to communicate with the merchants. The indian dialect was created and it quickly spread over india.
  • Slave trade in the Caribbean

    Slave trade in the Caribbean
    The Caribbean housed many slaves during the era of the triangle trade. Sailors would bord ships full of slaves in West Africa and then sail to the Caribbean and the North American kolonies to sell them for alot of money. Because of this constant cykle a simplified version of English was then eventually created and was spoken between the sailors and the slaves on the ships. The language was called Creole and it was a mixing between their native language and English.
  • Imprisonment on Australia

    Imprisonment on Australia
    English settlers, mainly criminals got sent to Sydney, Australia. This was their punishment for their deeds and to asure that they wouldn't never return they sent guards to accompany them. They were first but regular English settlers later came to Australia aswell.
    These were the earliest settlers and as time went they lost their typical british accents. This is why dialects can differ from place to place in Australia. The later settlers had more brittish accents than the earlier settlers.
  • Källförteckning

    I mostly used the information found on Kunskapsporten but I used this one to get a different view on the matter. The site doesn't look very proffesional neither does say who wrote it but it did specify sources that were suposedly legitimate. It wasn't opionated which further improves it's trustability since it's purpose is probably solely to spread information.