Period: to
End of the Cold War
Soviets invade Afghanistan & Carter issues Carter Doctrine
Polish Solidarity Movement
U.S. boycotts the Moscow Olympic Games
Carter loses reelection & Reagan becomes President-elect
Detente officially over
Reagan inaugurated
Deng Xiaoping's protege becomes Chinese premier
Poland institues martial law under General Jaruzelski
Deng has consolidated power & "4 modernizations"
Brezhnev dies & Andropov takes power
Reagan gives "evil empire" speech & begins SDI
Korean airliner shot down by Soviets
US invades Grenada
NATO exercises
90% of farms in China are under the "Household Responsbility System"
Andropov dies, Cherneko Soviet premier
2nd phase of China's 4 modernizations underway
Cherenko dies, Gorbachev becomes Soviet premier
Gorbachev & Reagan meet in Geneva
Chernobyl nuclear accident
Gorbachev begins perestroika
Summit in Iceland (Gorbachev & Reagan)
Chinese student protestes growing
Glasnost in USSR, Gorbachev reforms the politburo
Hu Yaobang ousted from CCP
Reagan states "Mr. G tear down this wall"
INF Treaty signed to reduce weaponry
widespread strikes in Poland
Gorbachev gives non-ideological speech & amends constitution
Hu Yaobang dies which sparks Tiananmen Square
Elections in Poland, massacre in China
mass exodus of E. Germans to Hungary
40th anniversary celebration in E. Germany
Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, Berlin Wall falls
Germany reunited
many former Eastern bloc states declare indpendence
Gorbachev ousted by Yeltsin
Final collapse of USSR