Richard Nixon and Policy of Detente
After Tet offensive, Nixon began to pusure Detente with the Soviet Union and China, which hoped would isolate the North Vietnamese from the arger communist powers--Led to nuclear arms reduction -
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
Soviets interviewed with Afgan communists to help fight guerilla anti-communist Muslims. The war went from late December 1979 to February 1989. -
Solidartiy Movement in Poland
Lech Walsea starts a national trade Union (Solidarity). The uinon was supported by workers and the Roman Catholic Church. -
Ronald Reagan adresses the National Association of Evangelicals
Speech in which Reagan coined the term "evil empire" to describe the Soviet Union. Nixon also addresed domestic issues, and why NATO should deploy nuclear missles in western Europe. Evil Empire Speech- "Let us pray for the salvation of those who live in that totaltarian darkness-pray that they will discover the joy of knowing God." -
Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars)
Reagan proposed to ground and space-based systems to protect the U.S. from ballistic missles. Reagan was a critic of mutually assured destruction and wanted to stop it. -
Gorbachev-- Perestroika&Glasnost
Gorbachev was elected leader of the USSR in 1985. His political movement was called "Perestroika", meaning restructuring. His policy reform, "Glasnost", meaning openness, increases openness and transparency in government institutions and activity. -
Reykjavik Summit, Iceland
Location where Reagan (US) and Gorbachev (USSR) met. Both signed off on Nuclear Missle Treaty. "For the frist time in history, the language of 'arms control' was relaced by 'arms reduction'-- in this case, the complete eimination of an entire class of US and Soviet nuclear missles. -
Reagan speech at Brandenberg Gate, West Berlin
Reagan challenged soviet leader Gorbachev to "tear down this wall" when he visited West Berlin-- he along with Gorbachev were trying to free Berlin and unify it. "Standing before the brandenberg gate, every man is a German separated from his fellow men" -
Reagan and Gorbachev sign INF Treaty
Agrement between US and Soviet Union to eliminate nuclear and converntional balistic, and cruise range missles. All missles that could not meet tthe standard were destroyed -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Wall is destroyed, more than 800 people were killed during its 28 year existance -
Fall of Sovet Union
When the USSR separated into 25 different countires "The end of the Cold War was a by-product of the events that he [Gorbachev] was involved with. That is the end of communism in the USSR, and the collapse of the USSR itself." -
Summit in Geneva, Switzerland
The big "four" met in Geneva, Switzerland in order to discuss peace. Atleast the very least, the overall goal was to relieve tensions among nations.