The End of the Cold War

  • fall of the berlin wall

    fall of the berlin wall
    the berlin was tooken down
  • richard nixon & policy of detente

    richard nixon & policy of detente
    Foregin policy of U.S presidents richard nixon and gerald ford called detente. A thawing out or un-freezingat a period in the middle of the cold war
  • Soviet invasion of afghanistan

    Part of the cold war, it was fought between soviet led afghan forces against multi-national insurgent groups callled the mujajideen, mostly composed of two alliances
  • solidarity movementin poland ( lech walesa )

    solidarity movementin poland ( lech walesa )
    full name: independent self- governing trade union.
    Polish trade union federation the emerged at the gdansk shipyard under the leadership of lech walesa
  • ronald reagan addresses the nationa; assocation of evengelicals

    evil empire the phrase was first applied to the soviet union in 1983by reagon. who took an aggressive, hardline stance that favored matching exceeding the sovieet unions strategic and global military capabilites
  • strategic defense Initiative

    grand and space base system to protect the united state.
    It will stop stategic nucler, ballistic missle,
  • reykjavik

    a meeting us president ronald reagon and general secretary of the comunist party of the soviet union Mikhail gorbache, held in Hofoi in reykjavik the capital city of iceland
  • Reagen specch at brandberg gate, west berlin

    the speech by reagan to the people of west berlin contains one of the most mermorable lines spoken during his presidency. the berlin referred to by the president.
  • reagan and gorbachev sign inf treay

    reagan and gorbachev sign inf treay
    The argeement between the united startes and the soviet union. the treaty between tUSA and USSR on the elimination of their intermediate range and shorter range missiles
  • Gorbacehev, Perestrokika, Glasnost

    Gorbachev- general secretary of the communist party of the soviet union.
    Perestrokika- was a political movement for reformation withon the communist party of the soviet union
    Glasnost- a policy that called for increased openness and transparency in government insitutions and activities in the soviet union
  • fall of soviet union