Soviet Union Invades Afghanistan
Soviet Union intervenes with an invasion in an attempt to install a puppet government. Throughout the 1980's the American government will fund and supply Afghan rebels fighting against the Soviets. -
Solidarity Recognized
Solidarity, a movent of workers demanding worker's rights, economic and politifcal reforms and the allowance of true worker's unions is recognized by the communist government of Poland. -
Reagan Innagurated
Ronald Reagan is innagurated after winning the 1980 presidential election and promising to renew American economic and military power and to be more forceful in dealing with the Soviet Union. -
Martial Law in Poland
Under pressure from the Soviet Union, the Polish government bans Solidarity and declares martial law. President Reagan and other Western leaders condemn this action, place sanctions on Poland, and secretly funnel money and supplies to support Solidarity's attempt to continue existing, "underground." -
Reagan announces "Star Wars"
After declaring that the Soviet Union was an "Evil Empire" President Reagan announces the Stratgic Defense Initiative (SDI) - nicknamed "Star Wars." This was a plan to develop a space-based nuclear deense system that could intercept and destroy nuclear misilles launched against the United States. -
End of Martial Law in Poland
Gorbachev Takes Power
Mikhail Gorbachev is chosen to become General Secretary of the Communist Party and leader of the Soviet Union. He will soon announce new policies of "glasnost" - government transparency and "perestroika" - economic reform. -
Reagan and Gorbachev Meet
Reagan and Gorabachev meet for the 1st time, in Switzerland. They agree to meet in the future for further negotiations about nuclear weapons reductions. -
Reykjavik Summit
Reagan and Gorbachev meet for a 2nd time to discuss nuclear arms reductions. Gorbachev demands that the United States stop the development of SDI. Reagan counters with a proposal to share SDI technology with the Soviets. No deal is reached, but they agree to continue talks in the future. -
Tear Down This Wall
President Reagan visits Berlin and challenges Gorbachev to allow the destruction of the Berlin Wall if he truy desires peace. -
INF Treaty
Reagan and Gorbachev meet in Washington, D.C. and agree to the INF Treaty to reduce each nation's supply of intermediate range nuclear missiles. -
Soviet Union Withdrawals from Afghanistan
Soviet Union admits defeat and final soliders leave Afghanistan. -
Elections in Poland
Solidarity defeats the Communist Party in the 1st free election held behind the "Iron Curtain" since the end of WWII. The new government will take power in August and Poland becomes the first Soviet satellite nation to officially reject communism. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The East German government reduces restrictions on travel between East and West Germany. That night, citizens flood the Berlin Wall and begin to dismantle it, reunifying the city for the first time in almsot 40 years. -
German Reunification
East and West Germany officially reunify and a united Germany exists for the first time since the end of WWII. -
The End (Part 1)
- Gorbachev resigns as President of the Soviet Union and the Soviet flag is lowered over the Kremlin (capitol).
The End (Part 2)
The Soviet Union offically ceases to exist.