The Six Day War
Israel launched air strikes against Egypt, Syria, and jordan. Ground forces moved in and quickly defeated Arab forces. The fighting last for six days, ending on June 10th 1967. Israel took control of the Golan Heights, senai peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jeruselum. -
Yasser Arafat becomes leader of the PLO
Yasser Arafat became the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, an organization with a pledge to destroy Israel and replace in with a Palestanian state. ONce he became leader the PLO launched a campaign or guerrilla attacks against Israel. The attacks came in from lebanon and jordan, This lead to Israel invading the two nations in an effort to stop the PLO attacks. -
Yon Kippur War
Egypt and Syria Launched a surprise attack against Israel. Arab troops had the advantage due to Israel being unprepared for such an attack. Israel sought Support from the U.S. and with american help, Israeli forces were able to push back Egyptian and Syrian armies. Both sides agreed to a cease-fire, ending the war on October 26th, 1973. -
Camp David Accords
Earlier in 1977 Egyptian Prsident Anwar Sadat declared that Egypt wants to make peace with Israel, to help facilitate this peace president Jimmy Carter invited israeli and Egyptian leaders to camp david, the presidental retreat in maryland. Egypt and Israel reached an agreement that will be known as the Camp David Accords. This ending 30 years of Egyptian-Israeli conflict. -
Tension Building up in the West Bank and Gaza where Israel had begun making settlements. Palestanian resentment for Israeli occupation developed into a rebellion called intifada. Widespread violence in the streets as Palestanian youths battle Israeli troops. Israel responded to the conflict with strong military and police power, fighting continued into the early 90's. -
The Second Intifada
A second rebellion had begun, this time palestanian youths were joined by palestanian security forces with guns. Hamas a group which many countries consider a terrorist organization, sent suicide bombers to israel to attack civillians. Israelis countered this tactic by sending troops backed by tanks, fighter jets, and hellicopter gunships into cities in the West Bank and Gaza.The conflict contimued until February 8th 2005, when israeli forces were able to overthrow opposing [alestanian forces. -
Hamas gains control of the Palistanian Parliment
Israeli Prime minister Ariel Sharon decided to withdraw from Gaza and parts of the West Bank in 2004. Gaza was turned over to palestine in 2005, but tensions continued to grow when Hamas won control of the Palestanian parliment in 2006, armed conflict erupted the same year when militants kidnapped several Israeli soldiers along the border, Israel launched massive air strikes and ground offensive in Gaza and Lebanon to root out extremists and secure its borders.