Additional infoyoutube videoIn 1830 a number of women argued for the right to divorce and own property. They were not very successful at first but it began the movement to fight for women's rights. In 1870 the first Act was passed which improved wives’ position to an extent by giving them possession of their own earnings; the Act of 1882 extended this to give married women the same rights over their property as unmarried women. Women also had new job opportunities. There was a high demand for low paying jobs and employers -
New Urban Environments
Additional infoYoutube videoUrban populations grew quickly meaning from rural to city. In 1850s, urban dwellers made up about 40 percent of the English population, 15 percent of the French, 10 percent of Prussia, and 5 percent in Russia. By 1890, urban dwellers had increased to some 60 percent in England, 25 percent in France, 30 percent in Prussia, and 10 percent in Russia. The size of the cites also grew between 1800 and 1900, the population in London grew from 960,000 to 6,500,000. -
German Social Democratic Party
Additional infoThe German Social Democratic Party (SPD) which emerged in 1875, was the most important. SPD delegates in the parliament worked to pass laws for improving conditions of the working class. The SPD became Germany’s largest party in 1912 when it received 4 million votes. -
Immigration to the United States
In the late 1800's people in many parts of the world decided to leave their homes and immigrate to the United States. Many came to the U. S. because it was perceived as the land of economic opportunity while others came seeking personal freedom or relief from political and religious persecution and with hope for a brighter future -
New Leisures
Additional infoDue to new technology and innovations many new leisures were invented. With all of these new leisures available to people such as amusement parks, dance shows, sporting games, and many others people had multiple ways to spend their day. Work hours became shorter for some leaving them with more free time to spend with their family and friends. -
Additional infoYoutube videoThe education level rose rapidly after 1870. Many kids were required to go to school because of all the new much more complicated jobs students needed a higher education level so that they could fulfil the requirements of the jobs. Also so that when they were eligable to vote they could make an educated vote. -
Social Structure
Additional infoAfter 1871 there were more ways for people to entertain themselves. Amusement parks and dance shows were available to everyone who could afford them so people had many new leisures they could explore. The New Elite and made up only 5% of the population. The middle class made of the population consisting of lawyers, doctors, business managers, engineers, architects, accountants and chemists. The working class was on the bottom rung of the social structure ladder. The working class made up 80% of -
The Middle class
Additional infoThe middle class consisted of the higher paid workers. They believed in hard work and where all mostly regualr churchgoers. The conducted themselves very well and had high Christian morals and were concerned with doing the right thing. -
Marriage and Family
Additional infoThroughout most of the 1800's marriage remained the only honorable and available career for women. But a major change occured. The birthrate of children began to decline. This improved the economic conoditions as well as use of birth control. With better economy and much higher paying jobs many men could depend on their income alone which alowwed the women to stay home with the children. -
Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU)
Additional infoThe Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) was foremed to allow “the vote for all women and men over a certain age, but votes for women”. The person that started this was Emmeline Pankhurst and with the help of her her three daughters, Christabel Pankhurst, Sylvia Pankhurst and Adela Pankhurst