The eighteenth century.

  • Period: to

    Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution ocurred in England, when the Catholic King James II was overthrew and replaced by his Protestant daughter, Mary, and his husband, William of Orange. However, it also included political and religious concerns.
  • James II's defeat.

    James II's defeat.
    This event happened in the battle of the boyne, in Ireland. It had long-term effects on the people of that country, which included that Catholics could not take any part in national life. Therefore, they became a second-class citizens.
  • Creation of the Bank of England.

    Creation of the Bank of England.
    The decision of creating a bank was taken by a group of financiers. The Bank of England, had authority to raise money by printing "bank notes".
  • Taxes set by Robert Walpole.

    Robert Walpole, first Prime Minister, wanted to increase taxes in order to pay back what the government had borrowed so as to get rid of the national debt. Consequently, Walpole put taxes on luxury good. Finally, tea had become a national drink.
  • Creation of United Kingdom of Great Britain.

    In that year, United Kingdom of Great Britan was officially created as a result of the merger of the Scottish and English Parliaments.
  • Death of Queen Anne.

    Death of Queen Anne.
    She was the last of the Stuarts. When Anne dead, it was not sure if the Protestant ruler of Hanover, George, would become king.
  • Rebellion against George I.

    Rebellion against George I.
    The rebellion was started by the son of James II, who was unwilling to refuse to the Catholicism but wanted to win the crown by force. However, it was a disaster since it wasn't difficult for George's army to defeat the English and Scottish "Jacobites".
  • Offer of payment by the South Sea Company.

    Offer of payment by the South Sea Company.
    This Company offered to pay off the government's national debt only if it was given monopoly rights to trading in the South Seas.
  • Alliance between France and Spain.

    After this important event, Lord Chatham, Walpole's political enemy, feared that France would have a trade advantage over Britain.
    Consequently, when Chatham was in the government, he took the decision to make the British navy stronger than the ones of the other nations.
  • Period: to

    War between France and Britain.

    War with France broke out. Even though, Britain had already been involved in a previous war, from 1743 to 1748.
  • George III, the new king.

    George III, the new king.
    George III, came to the throne. He was the third Hanoverian monarch who had taken important decisions.
  • Peace between Britain and France.

    When George III assume as new king, he did not want Chatham to continue an expensive war. As a result, he made peace with France withouth informing Prussia.
  • Quarrel over taxation.

    This quarrel was between the British government and its colonies in America. Political opinion in Britain was divided since some felt that to tax colonists was not lawful. On the contrary, some felt that the tax was fair, because the money would be use to pay for the defence of the American colonies against France.
  • The Boston Teaparty.

    The Boston Teaparty.
    It was a famous event that lead to open rebellion by the American colonists. It occurred as a protest in spite of the British taxation an British monopolies. On December 16th, a group of colonists at the port of Boston threw a shipload of tea into the sea, instead of paying tax on it. That is why, the government decided to defeat this rebellion by force.
  • Period: to

    The American War of Independence.

    This was one of the last events more important occurred in the eighteenth century. It resulted in a disastrous defeat for the British government, since it lost almost everything; meanwhile, the war in America gave strenght to the new ideas of democracy and of independence.