Great Britain in the Eighteenth Century (1688-1801)

  • Period: to

    "Glorious Revolution"

    It was mostly a peacefull revolution. James II was a Catholic, people were not happy with it so some Parliamentary member asked William of Orange, a Protestant prince to invade England.
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    William of Orange's reign

    He took over the throne after James II fled from London during the "Glorious revolution". He is the first Hanoverian king.
  • Founding of the Bank of England

    Founding of the Bank of England
    Founded by the rich elite, they were mostly Whigs. The Bank of England is particularly useful in times of war to fund the army. It corresponds to the appearance of the "fiscal-military state".
  • Period: to

    Anne’s reign

  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    Britain united with Scotland.
  • Period: to

    George I’s reign

  • First Jacobite Rebellion

    First Jacobite Rebellion
    The Jacobites were the house of Stuart's supporters. They rised against the Hanoverian king but failed.
  • Period: to

    George II’s reign

  • Second Jacobite Rebellion

    Second Jacobite Rebellion
    The Jacobites rised another times against the new king, who was also an Hanoverian king. They failed.
  • Period: to

    Seven Year’s War

    It was a global conflict between Europe's great powers. It resulted in England gaining territories in its colonies.
  • Battle of Plassey

    Battle of Plassey
    This victory helped the Biritsh East India Company be the dominant power in India.
  • Period: to

    George III’s reign

  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Britain wanted to tax the American colony. They passed this text as the expected the American to pay for colonial protection.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    American were supposed to print certain types of documents in Britain.
  • Sons of Liberty founded

    Sons of Liberty founded
    American political company. They wanted independence.
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    This text repealed the Stamp Act but gave Britain the control over the tax in America without any representation of the colony in Parliament.
  • Townshend Duties

    Townshend Duties
    Taxes in order to fund the administration of the British colonies.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    It was a street fight between American civilians and a squad of British soldiers.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Sons of Liberty destroyed a shipment of tea of the British East India Company.
  • Steam engine patent

    Steam engine patent
    Leads to the industrial revolution in Europe
  • Period: to

    America's War of independence

    The British colony in America rised against Britain and won their independence.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    French monarchy was abolished
  • Irish Rebellion

    Irish Rebellion
    The United Irishmen rised against Great Britain domination. They wanted a non-sectarian Republic.
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    Great-Britain united with Ireland.
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic Wars

    It was a series of conflict for territory all over the world. All the great European powers were involved. It was lead by Napoleon, the first Franch emperor.
  • Abolition of the slave trade

    Abolition of the slave trade
    Slave trade is abolished but the owners can keep their slaves.
  • Catholic emancipation

    Catholic emancipation
    Catholics obtained the right to practice their religion without being persecuted.
  • Abolition of slavery

    Abolition of slavery
    Slaves that were still owned after the abolition of slave trade were set free.