The Egyptians

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    The Roman Empire

    The Roman Empire
    In 30BC Egypt became a member of the expanding Roman Empire. The Romans coveted Rgypt due to it's land fertility and abundant food production. Many Egyptians also converted to Christianity after the Roman takeover,
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    In 51BC Cleopatra began her reign as Queen of Egypt. During her time as Pharaoh her relationships with high profile Roman figures Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony influenced the history of Ancient Egypt. She was also the last active Pharaoh in Egypt.
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    Alexander the Great in Egypt

    Alexander the Great in Egypt
    Alexander the Great conquered Egypt with his Greek army in 332BC. Alexander made Egypt part of his large empire. After his death in 323 BC, his general Ptolemy took over Egypt and his successors ruled Egypt thereafter.
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    Tutankhamun became Pharoah when he was only nine years old. He died in 1325BC. He was buried in the Valley of Kings. He was around 17 years old at the time of his death. Tutankhamun's tomb was found in 1922 by Howard Carter where his mummy was covered in a beautiful gold death mask.
  • The Rosetta Stone.

    The Rosetta Stone.
    In 196BC the Rosetta Stone was created. The Rosetta Stone is a stone that contains writing in three languages: Hieroglyphics, Greek and Common Egyptian. The stone was devised so all the people could read and translate the different languages.
  • Gods

    Gods By 2250BC the Egyptins had Gods for every part of daily life. The Egyptian people were polytheistic. Their Gods included Anubis (God of the Dead), Horus (God of the Sky) and Isis (Goddess of Protection).
  • The Pyramids

    The Pyramids
    Circa 2250BC the first pyramids were built. Many of the pyramids still survive today and can be seen in Giza. The pyramids were built by the slaves of Egypt and were used as tombs for the Pharaohs and their Queens. The Pharoes were often buried with their treasure as the Egyptians believed that they would need them for their afterlife.
  • Hieroglyphic Writing

    Hieroglyphic Writing
    The Egyptians developed their own writing called Hieroglyphic writing. Theywrote on papyrus reed, which is a water or marsh plant, with tall straight hollow stems.The reeds were flattened, dried, and stuck together to make pages. The Egyptians also carved hieroglyphs onto stone and painted them on the walls of the tombs.
  • Farming

    There is evidence of the Egyptian people farming from 5200BC. The people planted seeds one by one and dug individual holes. By 3200BC they had started to use ox drawn plows. Egyptians grew crops such as wheat and barley, They also grew flax which was made into linen.
  • Settlement

    Hunter gatherers began to settle in the Nile Valley in 6000BC, from other areas in Africa and Southwest Asia. These Early Egyptians made pottery vessels out of clay and silt from the River Nile.