The Egyptian, Chinese, Mesopotamian, and Indus Valley River Civilizations

  • 6000 BCE

    Egyptian River Civilization

    Egyptian River Civilization
    People began to settle in the Nile Valley. They started to use clay and silt to make pottery.
  • 5000 BCE

    Egyptian River Civilization

    Egyptian River Civilization
    Egyptians began to farm sheep and cattle. They also grew wheat and barely.
  • 5000 BCE

    Mesopotamian River Civilization

    Mesopotamian River Civilization
    Irrigation and agriculture began.
  • 4500 BCE

    Mesopotamian River Civilization

    Mesopotamian River Civilization
    Sumerians built their first temple, first walled cities.
  • 4000 BCE

    Chinese River Civilization

    Chinese River Civilization
    Chinese River Civilization begins along the Yellow River/Huang He River, marking the start of many Chinese Empires.
  • 3500 BCE

    Egyptian River Civilization

    Egyptian River Civilization
    Egyptians began to create the first hieroglyphics.
  • 3500 BCE

    Mesopotamian River Civilization

    Mesopotamian River Civilization
    Cities expanding in Mesopotamia and invention of the wheel.
  • 3200 BCE

    Mesopotamian River Civilization

    Mesopotamian River Civilization
    Pictograph record keeping began.
  • 3000 BCE

    Egyptian River Civilization

    Egyptians began to build walled towns and villages.
  • 3000 BCE

    Indus Valley Civilization

    Indus Valley Civilization
    The first signs of urbanization of the Indus Valley began.
  • 3000 BCE

    Chinese River Civlization

    Chinese River Civlization
    Silk was developed by the wife of the Yellow Empire, Leizu, Lady His-Ling-Shih.
  • 2600 BCE

    Indus Valley Civilization

    Indus Valley Civilization
    Major cities and towns are developed, making up the Indus Valley Civilization
  • 2500 BCE

    Egyptian River Civilization

    Egyptian River Civilization
    The Great Pyramids are built.
  • 2500 BCE

    Indus Valley Civilization

    Indus Valley Civilization
    Indus script began.
  • 2400 BCE

    Mesopotamian River Civilization

    Sign/writing becomes known as cuneiform.
    The first war chariots are used.
  • 2350 BCE

    Mesopotamian River Civilization

    First code of laws are used by Urukagina, the King of Lagash
  • 2000 BCE

    Mesopotamian River Civilization

    Domesticated horses are used in Mesopotamia.
  • 1900 BCE

    Mesopotamian River Civilization

    Trade begins between Mesopotamia and other regions.
  • 1900 BCE

    Indus Valley Civilization

    Indus Valley Civilization
    The Indus Valley Civilization was declining and all major cities were abandoned.
  • 1800 BCE

    Chinese River Civilization

    Chinese River Civilization
    Metal casting of bronze objects (knives, swords, head protection, etc.) began.
  • 1675 BCE

    Chinese River Civilization

    1675 - 1646 BC Shang Dynasty created and served as the first Chinese dynasty to rule.
  • 1550 BCE

    Egyptian River Civilization

    Egyptian River Civilization
    Many of the royal tombs were built in the Valley of the Kings
  • 1500 BCE

    Indus Valley Civilization

    Indus Valley Civilization
    Aryans begin to migrate into the Indus Valley.
  • 1045 BCE

    Chinese River Civlization

    Chinese River Civlization
    1045 - 221 BC
    Zhou Dynasty conquers Shang Dynasty, and rules Chinese River Civilization. Glass becomes populate and becomes a unique good along the Silk Road.
  • 637 BCE

    Mesopotamian River Civilization

    Muslin conquest of Mesopotamia.
  • 332 BCE

    Egyptian River Civilization

    Alexander the Great invaded Egypt. Egypt was then rule by the Greek.
  • 221 BCE

    Chinese River Civlization

    Chinese River Civlization
    221 - 206 BC
    Qin Dynasty rules China, and also develops paper, which currently continues to exit in modern civilization and the world today.
  • 206 BCE

    Chinese River Civlization

    Chinese River Civlization
    206 - 195 BC
    Han Dynasty rules Chinese River Civilization, in which porcelain, compass, and acupuncture are developed and shared with the world we still reside among today.
  • 115 BCE

    Mesopotamian River Civilization

    Rome occupies Mesopotamia
  • 25 BCE

    Chinese River Civlization

    Chinese River Civlization
    25 - 220 BC
    Tang Dynasty rules, and leads to the invention of gunpowder that exists throughout must of the world we saw in the past and present. Paper and a monetary system was established, which has been somewhat modified and used today.
  • Dec 24, 1279

    Chinese River Civlization

    1279 - 1368 AD
    Yuan Dynasty rules Chinese, sometimes referred to the Empire of the Greatest Khan. They were also considered a successor to the Mongol Empire.
  • Dec 24, 1386

    Chinese River Civlization

    1386 - 1644 AD
    Ming Dynasty rules and leads to re-establishment of rule by Han ruling house, as well as development of the capitals: Beijing and Nanjing.
  • Chinese River Civlization

    1644 - 1912
    Qing Dynasty established capital as Beijing.
  • Mesopotamian River Civilization

    Mesopotamian River Civilization
    First excavations in Mesopotamia. Remains of two-four legged wagons are found.
  • Indus Valley Civilization

    British traveler Charles Masson came across "brick mounds" that were the Indus Valley Civilization.
  • Indus Valley Civilization

    While building railway, engineers discovered bricks that likely belonged to the Indus Valley Civilization.
  • Indus Valley Civilization

    Indus Valley Civilization
    Alexander Cunningham studied and published the first Indus Valley seal.
  • Chinese River Civlization

    1912 - 1949
    This became known as the republic period in which a weak central government followed by the collapse of the dynastic system and Western influence was shown by the promotion of :science" and "democracy" during this new culture movement.
  • Indus Valley Civilization

    Archaeologists began excavation of the Indus Valley Civilization.
  • Chinese River Civlization

    1949 - present
    People's Republic of China is established and continues today (communist government).