Unit 1 - Task 3 History of Tourism timeline

  • Introduction of the Boeing 747 Jumbo jet

    Introduction of the Boeing 747 Jumbo jet
    The Boeing 747, also known as the Jumbo jet, was first introduced in 1970. It is known as the airline with the widest body. The 747 was manufactured by Boeing's commercial unit in the US and held the record of passenger capacity for 37 years. Also, the 747 successfully flew 350 passengers across the Atlantic ocean, between new York and London. the Boeing 747 revolutionized air travel for everyone.
  • Car ownership in the UK reached 11 million

    Car ownership in the UK reached 11 million
    In 1970 car ownership reached a number of 11 million. This gave millions of people an opportunity to travel independently both short and long distances. Since 1970 the number of car ownerships has risen.
  • Concorde

    In 1976 the Concorde became the worlds first supersonic passenger carrying commercial aeroplane. It was built by manufacturers in Great Britain and France. the Concorde made its first transatlantic crossing in 1973. It also introduced the first supersonic passenger service with British airways flying from London and Bahrain. Also, flying from Paris to Rio de Janeiro. The Concorde later added flights to Washington DC and New York City.
  • The launch of Ryanair

    The launch of Ryanair
    Ryan family set up Ryanair in 1985, only starting with 25 staff and a share capitol of £1. Ryanair launched their first airline in July with flights from Waterford in the South East of Ireland to London Gatwick. All flights were on a 15 seater Bandeirante aircraft. Within the first year of the launch Ryanair had two routes in motion with 82,000 passengers. Ryanair has grown since and known as one of the biggest airlines within Travel and Tourism.
  • Number of holiday packages topped 400 million

    Number of holiday packages topped 400 million
    In 1986, holiday packages hit an enormous number, reaching up to 400 million. This was a huge development in Travel and Tourism, providing a bigger income to businesses and gaining many new tourists.
  • Tim Berners Lee invented the internet

    Tim Berners Lee invented the internet
    In 1989 Tim Berners Lee invented the internet. This allowed everyone to gain easier access to holidays. This was revolutionary as people could now view and book holidays independently online. Also, it gave existing businesses an opportunity to advertise deals and prices. However, also started many new online businesses within Travel and Tourism.
  • Channel tunnel opened

    Channel tunnel opened
    The channel tunnel is now known as one of the seven wonders of the world. It is one of the biggest engineering projects undertook in the UK. 13,000 workers from both England and France took over 5 years to achieve the vision of the channel tunnel. To this day, it is the longest under sea tunnel in the world.
  • Easy jet launch

    Easy jet launch
    Easy jet was founded in 1994 and launched by Stelios Haji-Loannou. However, for the first three years easy jet was ran by GB Airways and Air Foyle. The first flight took off on the 10th of November. This flight departed from London - Luton to Glasgow. Despite this, Ryanair did not make online bookings available until 1998.
  • 25.7 million tourists travelled overseas to Britain

    25.7 million tourists travelled overseas to Britain
    In 1998 Britain received millions of tourists from overseas, reaching 25.7 million. Overall, these tourists spent £12 billion. This boosted revenue for Britain and had a beneficial impact on profit for many businesses.
  • 9/11 terrorist attack

    9/11 terrorist attack
    On the 11th of September 2001, nineteen terrorists hijacked four airplanes and flew into the twin towers. This caused long term damage to New York City. There was a decline in tourists from 6 million in 2000 to 5.7 million in 2001. It took almost five years for New York to re build the height of tourists reaching 13.5 million in 2018.
  • Indian ocean earthquake and tsunami

    Indian ocean earthquake and tsunami
    India was hit with an undersea earthquake on December the 26th, 2004. These undersea earthquake's caused tsunami waves reaching 30m in height. However, these tsunamis also effected 14 other countries such as Indonesia and Thailand. This created a pause on people traveling to these countries and created damage worth $508 million.
  • Global recession

    Global recession
    In 2008 there was a global financial crisis. This caused many markets to fall and holiday companies were struggling with tight budgets. This caused a 17% decrease in outbound tourism as the British chose to travel inbound.
  • Introduction of photo sharing on social media

    Introduction of photo sharing on social media
    Over the past 40 years social media has had a huge impact on Travel and Tourism. However, in 2010 photo sharing was introduced. This revolutionised Travel and Tourism globally as it gave people the opportunity to witness the world through photos. By people sharing their own experiences, it introduced others to views and horizons they didn't know existed. Also, holiday companies could advertise accommodation, amusement and deals all over the world in a new way.
  • Arab spring

    Arab spring
    In 2011 Egypt experienced a series of anti-government protests also known as Arab spring. This cause huge decrease in tourists not only from the UK but globally. There was a total number of 9 million foreign visitors in 2011 to 5.4 million in 2016. This created a huge profit loss and challenged the country to gain new tourists.
  • Brexit

    In 2018 the UK made the decision to leave the EU union; this had a detrimental effect on international relations causing traveling to become more difficult. These effects were made clear with both inbound and outbound tourism. After the initial aftermath Britain had witnessed a loss in visitors, reaching 5.8%. This caused a huge loss in profit, not only for the UK as a nation but, for many small and major companies.
  • Covid

    There is no doubt covid has had a huge impact on Travel and Tourism. During lockdown people all over the world had to stay inside and businesses had to close. This ensured profit loss for the Government and people within communities. Due to this people were unable to travel causing holidaymakers to lose customers. Also, covid had a detrimental effect on employees such as cabin crew. It became challenging for people within the Travel and Tourism industry to pursue a career and create an income.