Plains people prior to contact with europeans.
The plains people lived a good life always moving with their m,ain source of food the buffalo. The plains people were always moving and maintained a nice healthy spiritual lifestyle. They stayed like this up until the early 1800s. -
European traders with first nations after arrival
When the europeans first arrived they had created a nice trading enviroment that had been a win win for both sides for a while. -
Europeans begin to establish settlements creating conflict with first nations
The europeans begin to arrive in larger numbers creating settlements at the same time creating problems. The europeans began to push west to farm and settle but at the same time they were killing and displacing the plains people. Also killing the buffalo almost to extinction removing a large part of plains people tradition. -
Effects still experienced today.
video' Since the europeans arrived the first nations people have had a rough time trying to get back up from what happened long ago. A large part of the firt nation population suffers from drug abuse and alchol abuse and they live in crappy conditions. A large part of the population has been assimilated. Many aboriginals barely have a proper education and a large part are unemployed.