Lagos, Nigeria
The Origination of the Transatlantic Slave Trade:
The onset of the Transatlantic Slave trade took place in Lagos, Nigeria. The primary location for the capture and enslavement that fueled the Slave Trade was Africa. -
San, Salvador Island
Commencement of the Columbian Exchange:
Christopher Columbus arrived on San, Salvador Island and began the exploration of North America. The beginning of the Columbian Exchange took place as goods, agriculture, disease, concepts from the new world reached the old world. -
London, England
The Muscovy Trading Company formed:
A primary and exclusive trade agreement was reached between England and Russia. Considered one of the first joint stock foreign trading companies. -
Amsterdam, Dutch Republic
Formation of the Dutch East India Trading Company:
Dutch East India Trading company monopolized international trade. It can quickly became the most powerful trading company in the world and one of the first to appear on the stock market. -
Nagasaki, Japan
Japan enacts Trade Isolation Foreign Policy:
Following the attempted overthrow of the Japanese government by western missionaries, japan enacted a isolation policy. The policy ceased all international trade and contained western ideology in attempts to preserve Japanese tradition. -
Great Britain, United Kingdom
Agricultural Revolution:
The Agricultural Revolution in Britain quickly marked Britain as the world leader in agricultural trade. The progression of agricultural techniques increased productivity and improved economic prosperity. -
Great Britain, United Kingdom
First Industrial Revolution:
The first industrial revolution took place in Britain and later was a primary catalyst for the American industrial revolution. A shift in social constructs took place as technology was enhanced and modernization took effect. -
Alexandria, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Dynasty:
The Dynasty was one of the first middle eastern countries to modernize its country. Egypt adopted western culture ideals and improved its infrastructure and education systems under the rule of Muhammad Ali. -
Kanagawa, Japan
Convention of Kanagawa:
The treaty of Kanagawa allowed trade between Japan and the United States and subsequently ending the isolation policy. The increased trade bolstered the Japanese economy and improved relations with the United States. -
Moscow, Russia
Tsar Alexander II, Emperor of Russia:
The reforms by Tsar Alexander greatly improved the economy as the kulak class was formed following the emancipation of the serfs. This increased the labor force and allowed for industrial modernization. -
Washington D.C., United States
Smoot-Hawley Tariff:
The tariff was a primary factor in the disastrous economic event deemed the Great Depression. Tariffs became the second highest in 100 years and severely crippled international trade. -
Nazi, Germany
World War II:
IBM illegally began trading with Nazi Germany during World War II. The technology given to Germany was effectively promoting the Nazi Genocide. -
Geneva, Switzerland
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT):
The GATT increased international trade and decreased tariff costs. The GATT was paramount to improving economic stability and increasing foreign trade agreements. -
Washington D.C., United States
The Marshall Plan:
Truman signed the Marshall plan concluding World War II in attempts to revive European economies and contain to promote democratic capitalism. The plan was greatly successful as European countries rebuilt and reformed aiding in economic stabilization. -
Washington D.C., United States
The formation of NATO was made to form an alliance during the Cold War. The alliance improved foreign relations and increased international trade between member countries.