Echo room feature

The Echo Room by Parker Peevyhouse

By Sam-H
  • Bryn and Rett awake

    Bryn and Rett awaken in a small bunker. They do not remember how they got there, or anything about their past. Each of them has a horrible headache and a wound on their head.
  • Bryn and Rett explore

    Bryn and Rett decide to search the bunker. They both find logos labeled SCATTER. Rett finds small bags of food and water. Bryn notices a sunroof and begins to wonder if they could reach it.
  • Bryn and Rett Escape

    After conducting a search of the building Bryn and Rett decide to pull a lever labeled water. The bunker fills with water. Bryn and Rett are able to swim up the water and break through the glass roof.
  • The Bug

    Right as Bryn and Rett exit the bunker they are attacked by a massive bug. It is almost 5 feet tall and has sharp pinchers. It took a swing at Bryn and as it made contact everything went black.
  • Agen?

    Bryn and Rett awaken for a second time in the bunker. After exploring they feel like they remember going through the experience before. Somehow Bryn knew that he would be wearing a jumpsuit. Rett knew exactly where to find the food.
  • Flash Backs

    Bryn and Rett awake for the second time. They begin to have flashbacks of doctors implanting the device and someone whispering to them "any time you are in danger these will reset you". They have found out why they are being reset.
  • The JPS

    While searching the bunker Rett finds a JPS. It has a preprogrammed location marked by a skull and crossbones. Bryn and Rett decide to explore towards the direction of the skull.
  • The Skull

    While traveling Bryn sprains his ankle. The two decide that Rett will continue without him. After almost 3 hours Rett returns with bad news. All she found was a small black box. Suddenly another bug attacks them.
  • The Lab

    Instead of returning to the bunker Bryn finds himself in a small room, laying in a small hospital bed. Suddenly a woman steps into the room. She sits in a small chair and begins to ask him if he found the device. Bryn tells her yes, and where it was located.
  • The Echo Room

    As Bryn is escorted down the hall he passes a room, and he can hear children talking to themselves. He asks that guard who tells him that in that room is where time travel is possible. It is called the echo room because everyone who enters speaks what they are saying in the future. SCATTER wanted to know if they ever succeeded in building a device to allow time travel, so they sent kids to attempt it. If the device was built in the future then it would work in the past.
  • Intruder

    Bryn agen wakes in the bunker, except this time he is much older. He walks to the main room and sees Rett, who appears to be nearly 30. Suddenly there is a knocking on the roof overhead. Bryn looks up and sees a disheveled man. Suddenly the man kicks the glass, shattering it and drops into the bunker. He waves a gun at Bryn and Rett, telling them to sit on the couch. He tells them to stay still and he begins looting the bunker, taking food, water, electronics.
  • Stuck

    Suddenly Bryn realizes that the device didn't reset them. He whispers this to Rett and they decide that they will sneak out and look for the device. Maybe they can fix it. As they begin climbing the rope that the man left behind.
  • Never Coming Back

    Finally Bryn and Rett reach the location of the device. They begin digging in the sand trying to find it. Once they had found the device Bryn and Rett began discussing what to do with it. They decided to destroy it, and strand themselves in a different time. Destroying it would stop other people from becoming lost in time. Nobody would ever have to suffer in a different time agen.