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Gorotil, a History, Beginning 1450, ending 1790

  • 1450

    The Formation of the Xzysha Guild

  • 1454

    Xzysha Guild Ships Reach the East

  • 1460

    First Guild Migrations

  • 1463

    The War of the Ringwine Coalition Begins

  • 1463

    Count of The Bridge Assassinated

  • 1464

    The Bridge Succession War Begins

  • 1465

    Ringwine Coalition War Ends

  • 1465

    Count Miklan Comes Power in The Bridge

  • 1486

    The Second Calamity

  • 1492

    The Arrival of Duke Karashang

  • 1496

    Karashang's First Elven Campaign

  • 1496

    Karashang Named as Duke of Northfold

  • 1501

    Karashang's Second Elven Campaign

  • 1509

    The Conquest of Boludya

  • 1513

    The Subjugation of the Lords of The Planes

  • 1516

    The Subjugation of The Duke of Jirod

  • 1519

    The Vanderwood and Balnar Compromises

  • 1521

    The Full Subjugation of The Balnars

  • 1527

    Karashang Declares The Kingdom of Gorotil

  • 1529

    Death of Karashang and Coronation of Blaine

  • 1531

    Vassalisation of Balduun and The Goros Hills

  • 1533

    The Kneeling of The Bridge

  • 1554

    Death of Blaine and Coronation of Soris

  • 1562

    The Gorotillian-Elven Compromise

  • 1580

    Death of Soris and Coronation of Soris II

  • 1582

    Coronation of Vestis The Cruel

  • 1582

    Assassination of Soris II by His Brother

  • The Crushing of The Constitutional Revolt

  • Barric's Coup

  • The Foundation of The House of Laws

  • The Election of Verrius The Wise

  • The Death of Verrius and Coronation of Lostris

  • The Kallovat-Shang Marriage

  • Death of Lostris and Coup of Louis

  • The Enthroning of Calthelm Through Revolt

  • The Calthelm-Laws Compromise

  • The Coronation of Voltrick

  • The Assassination of Calthelm

  • The Monarchic Revival

  • The Voltrick Noble Revolts

  • The Last Elven Campaign

  • The Death of Voltrick and Coronation of Louis II

  • The Formation of The Splintered Circle

  • The Silfolodian War of Conquest Begins

  • The Death of Louis II and Coronation of Barod

  • The Boludyan Revolt

  • The Silfolodi Truce

  • The Gorotillian Civil War

  • The Boludya Truce

  • The Victory of Barod

  • Arrival of Kon Lan's Legion

  • The Peace of Silfolod

  • The Formation of the Eastern Coalition