Ferdinand of aragon  isabella of castile

the early modern ages

  • Period: Nov 19, 1469 to

    The early modern period in spain

    this is a time line which is going to help me to study a lot
  • Apr 28, 1478

    the introduction of the Inquisition in Spain

  • Apr 4, 1492

    the expulsion of the Jews

  • Oct 12, 1492

    The discovery of America

    The discovery of America
    Columbus discuvered America
  • Dec 31, 1492

    The fall of Granada

  • Jul 15, 1504

    The Death of Isabel the Catholic

    The Death of Isabel the Catholic
  • Mar 15, 1516

    Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany was proclaimed king

  • May 8, 1556

    Felipe II was proclaned king