Scout Trip
The kids go on a scout trip arcoss town to earn a badge. To do this the Mellower hypnotizes the parents so they can go. -
Period: to
General Matiskas Children are Kidnaped
The Children are kidnaped while trying to earn a scout badge. The badge requires alot of exploring. -
The children arrive at Dead Man's Veil
The kids finally meet their captor, the She Elephant. The She Elephant rules over alot of people that she has captured to work in a plastic mine. -
The Matisakas realize the kids are gone.
The parents realize they are gone so they hire the Ear, the Eye, and the Arm. -
The Kids ecape the enslavement of the She Elephant
The kids escape from the She Elephant through a shaft and arrive at a area named Resthaven.Where they are brought back centuries by their strict culture. -
The Kids are acused as witches
They are acused as witches and are cast out of resthaven. They are sick and tired so they take the tram over to the mellowers mothers house where they stay for a while. -
They kids are found by the She Elephant and recaptured
The She Elephant finds the kids at the mellowers mothers house, and in a daring breakin recapture by brute force and takes them to a a private building where buyers are suposed to meet. -
Arm is spoken to by the norhdo
The nhordo speaks to Arm and tells him to go to the highest place in Hare. -
The kids are taken from the She Elephant
They are taken from the She Elephant by the masks. The She Elephant .did not recive compinsation for the kids. -
The Masks prepare to sacrifice Tendia
The Masks prepare to sacrifice tendia to be their messanger to their Gods. -
The dectives spot the children going into the Godwanna Embassy
The dectives makes a rag tag army of the people in the Starlight Room to raid the embassy. -
The kids are saved from the Masks by a Makshift Army
The Kids are saved by a group of chef,waiters, and patrons from the starlight room in a daring raid. Destroing the Mask gang in the process