
The Dog Master

By abbyy
  • 3 BCE

    The Dog Master

    The Dog Master
    Author: W. Bruce Cameron Name relation to the story: The story is based around the idea of the domestication of the wolf into a "Dog", to make this connection obviously somebody needs to become the first Dog's master. This
    book is based around that person, the tribes of the time and the wolves themselves. MLA:
    Cameron,Bruce. The Dog Master. Forge Book, 2015. Print
  • 2 BCE


    Calli-At the beginning hunter named Urs. So most of her goals are based upon her own intreasts and getting Urs. Pallock shift. Attention changes to son,council,tribe. Albi-Wicked as heckle. Ex. Drowning incident, sleeping with Hardy, food, blackmail Silex-Leader of the Wolfen. Very duty based. Turning point Fia dies. Finally realizes own happiness ex.revolutionizing ideas, new love. Protagonist Mal-Faces oppostion and bravely accepts challenges. Grows a lot.
  • 1 BCE


    30,000 years ago (I am fully aware that this time line lacks proper dates, I am only using it to lay out the order of events) in the Upper Paleolithic Period. I would assume this took place more north (Canadaish) because of the severe winters.
  • 1 BCE


    Man's connection with dogs. How they aided our survival, importance, and making the transition interesting. The book also delves into human behavior. Such as characteristic traits, changes, relationships, greed, etc.
  • 1 CE


    Silex's Father dies so power as the leader of the pack shifted. Has to marry Ovi (sister...bleh), allows himself to lose in a duel with Duro. Leaves with a group, includes Fia.
  • 1 CE


    Urs and Calli. Wants to be married but Albi interferes (explain council mother) by marrying her off to Pallock.
  • 4


    Feeding of the wolf. Big deal (also the great gma to wolf in present day).
    Returns to the tribe, and finds all the men are dead from the Cohort.
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    Calli already has Dog, and is pregnant again.
    Gives birth during a migration in Cohort Valley. Baby has a deformed foot/leg. Albi wants to DROWN him! Cursed
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    Fia dies during 3rd miscarriage. On her death bed tells Silex to marry Ovi. Obeys
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    Named Mal at 3 years old; "The boy with a cursed led that must be killed for the good of us all".

    To protect him Calli helps Bellu (Ur's lazy butt wife) to become council mother.
  • 12


    Dog and Mal are both interested in Lyra.
    Armless girl for Mal. Heart also applies to Mal's broken one since he has begun to be further treated as an outsider by his friends. Also Pollock has completely rejected him and Calli.
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    Calli tries to secure a job for Mal in the hunt with Urs. He back stabs her and makes Mal the fire boy, very embarrassing.
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    Due to Bellu's judgement they leave WAY to late for winter. Stuck in a blizzard. When they reach the Blanch find that all have been killed. With no food source they are in trouble. Mal saves them by finding stored frozen fish. Later he is made public enemy.
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    In a Cohort attack several Kindred hunters are killed, including Dog. HUGE pain to Calli,Coco,Mal and Lyra
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    Having been kicked out of the pack the main wolf runs off with her mate.
    Mountain lion kills her mate and leaves her injured in cave to give birth to her pups.
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    Silex finally gets together with Denix. Good for him to be happy, her to be with someone.
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    Grat seeks to kill Mal after Pollock works up and he seems Lyra with Mal.

    To keep him safe Calli has him banished. Please note that Mal is currently 15 and people don't live outside of tribes at this time.
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    Wolf and Man

    Wolf and Man
    A man comes and begins to care for the mother wolf.
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    Wolf and Man

    Wolf and Man
    Mother dies, and all the pups but one escape the cave and are eaten.
    The one remaining pup is trained, and really becomes the transitional first dog.
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    Present Day

    A professor studying the timeline when the first dog was domesticated is overjoyed at the discovery of the burial of an early dag and a man.
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    10/10 would recommend. It is definitely for the HS level. If you are interested in books involving relationships between humans, a fast moving story and if you like dogs read it up!