The Dna Timeline

  • 1995

    -The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed, which provided equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities.
    -The physical map of the human genome was completed, an illustration of sequence tagged sites used to order large segments of DNA. The finished map contained 15,086 STS, spaced an average of 199,000 base pairs apart.
  • 1996

    -Scientists from Europe, North America, and Asia funding human genome sequencing projects decided all human sequence data they produced should be freely available to the public.
    -Scientists create map showing location of ESTs representing fragments of more than 16,000 genes from throughout the genome, creating a human gene map.
    -The National Human Genome Research Institute funded projects to find a way to completely sequence the human genome, exploring the accuracy and cost of each approach.
  • 1997

    -A task force to review and ensure the development of safe and effective genetic tests.
  • 1998

    -HGP researchers released gene map that includes 30,000 human genes, about 1/3 of human genes.
    -First genome of a multicellular organism, a roundworm, was published. About 40% of worms genes are similar to genes found in humans. This explains my father.
  • 1999

    -HGP advanced goal of obtaining draft sequence covering 90% of human genome.
    -In December, they finished the first full-length human chromosome sequence. Chromosome 22.
  • 2000

    President Clinton and U.K. Prime minister Tony Blair made the data about the human genome sequence freely available. Now this information is buried by google promoting quora results online.
  • 2001

    -First draft and initial analysis of human genome sequence is produced. Covered over 90s percent of the genome. Estimated humber of genes was lower than expected. Has been referenced as Biology's moon-shoot.
  • 2002

    -Researchers find a gene associated with prostate cancer on chromosome 1. Allowed men with the mutation to begin earlier treatment for the disease.
  • 2003

    -Announced the completion of the genome project more than 2 years before schedule and under budget. Is assumed accurate by 99.9%.
    - 50th anniversary of those two guys that suggested the double helix copying mechanism structure.
    -First national DNA day
  • 2004-Future

    -Family history is important.
    -Letsa go find the genetic and environmental causes of common diseases.
    (Both links did not work)

    X-ray technology, understanding the structure of DNA bit by bit, funding and ability to experiment freely. Microscopes. The first completed genome of the worm likely assisted the next attempts at completing an entire genome. The discoveries became more and more complex. We continuously built upon new understandings. We are now using the information in real life application, trying to understand how our genes affect us and the living world around us.