President Ronald Reagan's Speech
"It is absolutely wrong and against American concepts to have a bilingual education program that is now openly, admittedly dedicated to preserving their native language and never getting them adequate in English so they can go out into the job market and participate" -
Senator S.I. Hayakawa
Introduced a constitutional amendment that made English the sole official language of the United States. - http://www.preceden.com/timelines/59492-history-of-bilingual-education-in-the-united-states#sthash.PwhSE6QR.dpuf -
Idaho vs. Migrant Council
Legal responsibility was given to state departments of education to see that programs for ELL's were implemented and monitored -
Castaneda v. Pickard
Raymondville, Texas Independent School District (RISD). Special help mandated for English language learners. This court case defined critiera for "appropriate action" that schools should take to educate LEP students. The criteria for schools included: pedagogically sound plan for LEP students, qualified staff for instructions, effective implementation of program, and plans for evaluation of programs. -
Reagan's New Federalism
Plyler v. Doe
Schools are no longer allowed to deny free public education to children based on their immigration status. This Supreme Court Decision struck down municipal school's ability to charge illegal immigrants an annual $1000 tuition fee for each undocumented student to compensate for lost state funding. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkb8YARVGAU
This was limited to K-12. -
Re-authorization of the Federal Bilingual Act
The federal Bilingual Education Act was re-authorized to cap the total appropriations for Special Alternative Instructional Programs that do not require instruction in the native language at 4%. The re-authorization also eliminated the National Advisory Council for Bilingual Education. Congress decided that the goals of the BEA should be “to achieve competency in the English language... [and] to meet grade-promotion and graduation standards.” -
Secretary of Education Revisions
U.S. Secretary of Education William Bennett launched an initiative to remove the 4% cap for Special Alternative Instructional Programs and advocated for greater flexibility and local control. -
English Official Language of California
Prop 63 declared English as the official language of California -
Gomez v. Illinois State Board of Education-
Established that under the Equal Educational Opportunities Act (1974) state education agencies as responsible for ensuring that the educational needs of language minority students’ are met. -
Teresa P. v. Berkeley
The U.S. 9th District judge, Lowell Jensen, ruled in the Teresa P. v. Berkeley 9th Circuit Court case that school districts are not required by federal law to provide native language instruction, even though native language instruction may be the optimal choice. The judge also removed the mandate that teachers of LEP students must hold specialized credentials, claiming that "good teachers are good teachers no matter what the educational challenges may be." The basic principles of the Chacon-Mos