Uranium had the most protons of any known element. -
Neutron-induced Uranium Decay
Lise Meitner, Otto Hahn, and Fritz Strassman began investigating neutron-induced uranium decay at the end of 1934. -
Otto Hahn was sure of the chemical evidence of transuranes. -
Escaping the Nazis
By 1938, the political situation had become dangerous for Meitner, and she fled to Sweden. In Berlin, Hahn and Strassman continued to communicate with Meitner to find that the uranium nuclei had been broken apart into elemental fragments. -
Uranium Transformation
Nuclear investigators in both fields had collaborated to provide a stunning explanation for the mysterious results of uranium's forced transformation. -
Nobel Prize Winner
Otto Hahn wins a Nobel Prize in chemistry. -
Meitner's Death
Lise Meitner dies.